Topic-icon FB , Twitter, Google+ Login Buttons also in JomSocial

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Hello at all,

i have Joomla 2.5.x and JomSocial 3.x and i work with the actual JFB Connect Tool.

Now i like that the Buttons for Login with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Linkedin Account also shown on the Login Modul from JomSocial will be shown.
Can you help me how can i do this.

Thanks best regards Thomas
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Support Specialist
10 years 2 months ago #41944 by alzander
I'm sorry for the delayed response. When you enable the JFBConnect integration within JomSocial, they automatically add the login buttons to their home page. They recently contacted us and, we believe, they are planning to automatically add the social buttons to other areas of their extension as well.. like the hellome module.

In the meantime, if you want to add the buttons yourself, you'd need to edit the /modules/mod_hellome/tmpl/default.php file. Around line 292, you'll see:
Simply add our {JFBCLogin} tag after the closing form tag, and that should do what you're looking for, like:
I hope that helps, but if not, let me know!

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