Topic-icon Urgent System - JFBCSystem conflict

Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #36883 by alzander
Thanks for the before picture and live site. I'm not seeing any real errors on the site that would be preventing the slideshow from working. The only Javascript errors present are:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addBeforeDeferRunFunctions' of undefined
I believe this is coming from PageSpeed, but not sure
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined k2.js
That's definitely coming from K2

The first one is interesting because we haven't done a lot of testing with PageSpeed. I can't imagine their screwing up our code too much though, but it's worth trying to disable to see if that fixes the problem.

The K2 one is because JQuery doesn't look to be loaded on your page at all. That's required by JFBConnect as well, and you can see that if you click the Login with Facebook button, it doesn't work. It's also possible that your slideshow feature needs jQuery and, without it, the page is choking.

You should enable the jQuery inclusion in JFBConnect, K2, or anywhere else to make sure it's properly loaded on the page.

I hope that helps get you started,
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10 years 7 months ago #36884 by purplechris
hey still doesnt work by doing that or with pagespeed off as have this on many servers not running page speed and even testing locally.

The only thing that solves the issue is what i put in my most recent post, moving everything to the end body tag, can you plugin not move the code to there?
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10 years 7 months ago #36885 by giannib72
purplechris: enable the JFBCSystem plugin and edit media/sourcecoast/css/sc_bootstrap.css on line 42 comment opacity: 0;
this should work for the slideshow.

alzander this should work also for jfb ?
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10 years 7 months ago #36886 by purplechris
omg thats perfect and solves the issue instantly thank you very very much.
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #36898 by alzander
Ahhhh.. excellent sleuthing. The upcoming v5.1.2 release already has much more targeted CSS implemented so that the .fade class only applies to 'our' widgets. So, the fix you have now is good and shouldn't be required to re-implement when v5.1.2 is released (hopefully over the next few days).

Sorry for the trouble, and glad you got something going!
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