Topic-icon Change Login With Joomla Button to image

Support Specialist
11 years 1 month ago #32603 by alzander
There will be tons of changes/fixes as needed. The idea is to make this a grade A free login module for everyone, with (of course) the hook to want to add social integration as well.

For the login buttons, go into the "Social" configuration area and set them to "Icon" or "Icon + Text". For now, we left it to the default of "Javascript", which is what the normal SCLogin module uses, but will likely be defaulting it to the 'pretty buttons' in the future.

As for the orientation of the social buttons, also in the "Social" section is an option for "Orientation", where you can set them to show on the right or under the rest of the login module.

Finally, for the Modal, there's a few reasons that may not work if you're using the loadposition. We have a (admittedly hacky) way that we're creating the modal right now and if you're loading it from within a component, that may break. If you use the SCLogin in a real module position, that should work. We're looking into a better solution and will test more with loadposition...

Definitely keep us posted with your feedback. The idea is to keep this as a free download, but also integrate it into the next major release of JFBConnect and JLinked, so the better we can make it is better for everyone.

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Thanks Alex. The button styling was dead on!

I am not running a stand alone module (only this embedded version) so I'll have to try the other option to let you know about the modal.

Will the new style be incorporated into the plugin options as well with the next version?

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Support Specialist
11 years 1 month ago #32612 by alzander

Will the new style be incorporated into the plugin options as well with the next version?

Do you mean in the {JFBCLogin} tag?

There's a few things we're looking at doing to revamp those tags. Alternatively, it's very easy (right now) to use the custom image HTML for the button to use your own image/button if you wanted to. If unsure how, just let us know and we can help.

Definitely let us know if the SCLogin in a non-loadposition area works better for you... I knew there'd be someone like you out there to break it :D

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11 years 1 month ago #32613 by lhleditor
I LOVE the new module! I threw in the modal with a custom FB login button and it looks great! I don't even need to add a custom Joomla login button, because the aesthetic is really nice.

I have to play around with the font color- something with my template makes the register button font invisible until hover- any ideas?

Great work- looking forward to further creations!
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Support Specialist
11 years 1 month ago #32615 by alzander
Thanks for the compliments, and glad to hear it's working well. The reason the button text is 'hidden' is because your template is setting it to the same color as the background itself with the following line in /templates/yoo_showroom/css/bg_main/black.css
#block-main a {
color: #eee;

If you update the /modules/mod_sclogin/css/sc_bootstrap.css file, around line 473, you'll see the definition for:
.sclogin .btn, .sclogin-modal-links .btn {
Update the color line with the !important statement below, and that will 'force' the text color to black as expected:
color: #333333 !important;

Hope that helps,
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alzander wrote:

Will the new style be incorporated into the plugin options as well with the next version?

Do you mean in the {JFBCLogin} tag?

There's a few things we're looking at doing to revamp those tags. Alternatively, it's very easy (right now) to use the custom image HTML for the button to use your own image/button if you wanted to. If unsure how, just let us know and we can help.

Yes, I would definitely like to know how to make this match the module look if possible! At least having the option to play with different styles would be great!

alzander wrote: Definitely let us know if the SCLogin in a non-load position area works better for you...

Will do. I haven't had a chance to try this yet. My styling doesn't easily lend itself to using a row of modules so I'll have to play some more. Unfortunately, I don't have a job where I get to play with Joomla all day.....;)

alzander wrote: I knew there'd be someone like you out there to break it :D

Yeah....I get that a lot. Ask both of my wives.....;)

Other than that I also seem to have a nose for breaking stuff in Joomla as well....;)

alzander wrote: Thanks,

Thank YOU!
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11 years 1 month ago #32623 by lhleditor
File Attachment:

Thank you so much for the font color change and for the beautiful module!

It is exactly what I need!! :-)
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