Topic-icon Creating open graph action easyblog / comments.

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Has anyone created an open graph action for comments made on easyblog articles?

I'm assuming the facebook object would be 'article' but can't find a built in action type for 'comment'. Does this mean we have to create a new action type for 'comment' in facebook before we start. If we do then that brings up a whole area on facebook that is not covered in the useful guide on here.

p.s. I have already created and had approved the 'read' easyblog articles.
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Support Specialist
11 years 5 months ago #28719 by alzander
Yup, you just need to create an action called "comment" on Facebook. The rest of the guide pretty much stays the same. You find the actual 'action' name by using the Get Code link. The action will be something like <yournamespace>:comment.

Our EasyBlog Open Graph plugin has an action for "Commenting", so you need to create that and use 'comment' as the action you create in JFBConnect. Make sure it's *not* a built-in FB Action and associate it with the EasyBlog 'article' object you created.

Then, hopefully, voila! It works :)

Glad to hear you got your Read action approved and hoping you're liking Open Graph Actions overall. Any feedback you have on the creation, implementation, or documentation would be welcome.


From there, ass
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