Topic-icon FB Login button is always pushing the page down on load

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This started happening lately. Everytime I change pages (Firefox) the header is getting pushed down and then goes back to normal. Very annoying. I must have something set wrong. Just navigate a bit, it should happen. Thanks.
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Support Specialist
There's been multiple reports of this to both us and Facebook. Unfortunately, it's caused by a change in the Facebook Javascript that was made about a week ago. We don't have control over that file, so we have to wait on Facebook to fix it.

As a work around, the SCLogin module has an option for "Login Button Type". If you switch that to Image, you can use an exact image of the Login With Facebook button in the place of the Javascript method which has the 'jumpy' issue.

If that doesn't make sense, or you need more help, just let us know. We're hoping the jumpy button gets fixed soon!

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Yes, I'd like to change it asap. Need a little more guidance. I'm using the "{JFBCLogin}" tag to get that functionality there.
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Support Specialist
If you're not using the SCLogin module (which is fine), then instead of the {JFBCLogin} tag, you'll have to use the following HTML:
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jfbc.login.login_custom();"><img src="/path-to-button-image.jpg"/></a>
You can take a screen shot of your current button or use another Facebook-type image if you'd like. The above will function just the same as your current button though.

Sorry for the troubles, and let me know if you need more help,
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Thanks, worked a charm. Frankly, I find this approach much better. I don't have to wait for facebook to load the page.
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Support Specialist
Glad that helped! We agree, the image approach has benefits. It unfortunately uses an image (instead of text) which can't be translated or styled though, so we still default to the Javascript approach.

Anyways, if you run into anything else, just let us know!

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