Topic-icon Solved: Error: 500 - View not found [name, type, prefix]:

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In the "Top Menu," I have a the log-in tab linked to a page which explains the in's-and-out's of using a FaceBook log-in and in the left column I display the JFBCLogin.
When upon using the FaceBook log-in in the popup, the Error 500 message is displayed. Other than the Error Message being displayed, a normal log in is still accomplished however.

Thinking that it may be a Registration Component, I tried both Joomla and JomSocial but the error was generated for both.
Thinking that it may be a redirect problem, I set Redirect on Joomla Log-in to No but this had no effect and the error was still displayed.
I also disabled all the other JFBC extensions to see if that would have any effect. It had none.

For Troubleshooting purposes, I list the following:
JFBConnect is 4.0.3 status is green
JFBCLogin is 4.0.2 status is green
JomSocial is 4.0.0 is installed and Published but JFBConnect Extension Check states that it is installed but not published
JomSocial FB Wall is 4.0.0 and status is green

Any help would appreciated!
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The problem apparently is intermittent with the error being displayed most of the time. So far I have not been able to reproduce the none-error condition.
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I don't know why it was intermittent but at any rate I found out the reason why the error message was displayed. :(
I hadn't enabled the proper plugins yet...... :/ JFBConnect FB Wall integration and JFBConnect -Profiles - Jom Social
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Support Specialist
Hmm.. Those actually shouldn't be 'necessary' for the site to function, and you shouldn't get errors without them, in all honesty. However, if it's working now, great! If you catch it acting up again though, just let us know, and we'll gladly help how we can!

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