Topic-icon Facebook Likes & Interests

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12 years 7 months ago #13240 by gedmonstone
Good morning,

I have recently installed JFB Connect on a Joomla 1.7 site, with JomSocial 2.4 installed. I have been playing around with importing data from Facebook to JomSocial, and almost every field works perfectly with the exception of the list below:-

Likes & Interests

This is a strange one as the Likes & Interests works for both Activities and Interests, but I can not get it to import Music, Books, Movies or TV. Not only does it not import, but the user is never prompted for permission to import this data eiher, whereas for all the other fields, the user is prompted to grant permission.

Could there be a mapping issue in the code somewhere?

Any thoughts are much appreciated.


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12 years 7 months ago #13242 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Facebook Likes & Interests
Can you try it out on our Demo site? I know you can't log in with Chrome, per your other message, but with something else. I just changed all 4 of those fields to "test", logged out, and logged back in, and all 4 of those fields were imported. My profile:

We're using 4.0 on the demo site. Not sure why they wouldn't work for you, but as always, we have suggestions :)
1) Obviously, make sure those fields are filled out in your profile
2) Check your privacy settings for the user (in Facebook). Too private can prevent certain fields from being accessed, even if given permission.. Facebook in those cases acts like the Hotel California for some of the strictest settings. You can enter the fields, but they can never leave.
3) Try decreasing the amount of Like's you have for those fields. If you have lots, it's possible there's an issue there. We test with only like 5-10 in a profile. If it doesn't work with a lot, that's something we need to fix, but would help.
If you don't want to remove fields, just let us know roughly how many you have, and we can add that many to one of our test profiles and try it out.

If the above doesn't work, then let us know. The other possibility is that Facebook's changed how it stores data, and we simply need to update our test profiles to get the data stored differently and try it out again. This is rare, but has happened where 'old' profile data works, while new stuff doesn't.

Thanks again for the feedback,
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12 years 7 months ago #13243 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Facebook Likes & Interests
Oh yeah.. another thing to try is go into Facebook and delete our SourceCoast website from your approved applications. That way, you'll get the permissions pop up when you try again. Do so on the demo site and see what permissions are requested. Facebook changes them here and there, and don't remember if they still ask specifically for "Music" or if they just call it "General interests" or something like that.. either way, it should hopefully be called out.

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12 years 7 months ago #13246 by gedmonstone
Thanks Alex,

Still no difference on my site, will test on the demo site. However, I notice that Music, Books, Movies, Television and Games are now listed under Arts & Entertainments on Facebook, not under Activities & Interests. Have they made a change?

BTW - Testing with all browsers, not just Chrome.

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12 years 7 months ago #13247 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Facebook Likes & Interests
I'll have to look into that and see. That's exactly what I was talking about with the 'rare' comment above. The old field may still work, if a profile hasn't been updated using the new structure they have.. but if I go set those fields again, it may 'break' since JFBConnect may be trying to pull using the old method. All conjecture, but definitely possible.

We're planning a 4.0.1 release for next week for any bugs that are found in 4.0 (so far, very little, thankfully). We'll definitely investigate this more for that update.. but no answers now.

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12 years 7 months ago #13248 by gedmonstone
Just noticed on Facebook Developers that

Music is listed under user_likes
Interests is listed under user_interests

Not sure if this makes any difference.

Which file is the above information stored in on JFBConnect, so I can have a poke around.

Thanks again Alex.

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12 years 7 months ago #13249 by gedmonstone

I just tested your demo site as a new user, and it imported my Interests & Activities, but not Music, Books etc.

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12 years 7 months ago #13251 by gedmonstone

Just to let you know that I have solved the problem. Everything is now working.

Here is what I did.

In the Joomla backend admin, I went to JFBConnect component, Configuration, Permissions.
In the Additional Permissions Request: field, I entered the following


Applied the changes, logged out of front end, then back in again, using the JFB Login button. This time, I was prompted to give permission to allow my website to access user_likes, Music, Books etc.

All now working 100%

Thanks again

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Support Specialist
12 years 7 months ago #13261 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Facebook Likes & Interests
Great sleuthing, Gary! Appreciate the feedback. We'll include this update in the 4.0.1 release for later this week. Once you get that version, you won't have to include the extra permission in that box, but won't be a problem if you leave it (we filter out duplicate permission requests).

Again, thanks, we like it when work is done for us :D
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12 years 7 months ago #13277 by gedmonstone
Just one more comment - you need to add likes for games - currently there is no option in the drop down selection list to import the users_likes_games

Glad to be of help Alex, and looking forward to the next release.


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