Topic-icon Problems rendering iLike Button

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Dear all,

we are running a site with J1.7 and JFBC 3.3.1. Backend works fine bit when it comes to remder i.g. the iLike Button, it fails with no error.

In the source code, the part for the button only looks like this:

As I consider it right, there should be the iframe. Any suggestions?


EDIT: Sorry, but i can't get the code inside this post
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Support Specialist
12 years 9 months ago #11988 by alzander
Our forum is very picky about some code being posted. Can you provide a link to your page where this is happening, or post the code and remove the &gt and < symbols?

JFBConnect has been tested a bit with Joomla 1.7, so you shouldn't be having 1.7-specific issues with it, just so you know.

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12 years 9 months ago #11990 by fb_100000468410930

just have a look at
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Support Specialist
12 years 9 months ago #11999 by alzander
On your page, you have 2 inclusions of the Facebook Javascript API (all.js). The first, at the top, is ours. The 2nd at the bottom is from something else. I think this second inclusion is causing a conflict that's preventing the Like button tag from showing.

The code it looks like you have at the bottom is for using your page in a Canvas app on Facebook. In the next release of JFBConnect, we'll have a lot more support for Canvas and Page Tab views, but for now, if you need to get the FB.Canvas.setAutoResize(100); code into our code at the top, we can help you with that. Then, you should be able to remove the extra inclusion at the bottom without any issues.

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12 years 9 months ago #12000 by fb_100000468410930
Sound good to me...

Pls advice in which file i should put the "canvas" code in....
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Support Specialist
12 years 9 months ago #12002 by alzander
In the /plugins/system/jfbcsystem/jfbcsystem.php file, at line 82, you'll see:
FB.init({appId: '{$appId}', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true, channelUrl: '{$channelurl}'});{$subs}
After that line, insert a new line with your code:

In the 4.0 release, we'll have settings for choosing which template you want to use when your page is displayed in a Canvas on Facebook as well as whether automatic resizing should be enabled (inserting the code above).

Hope that helps, and let us know if you run into anything else,
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12 years 9 months ago #12005 by fb_100000468410930
Thank you for your support. Technicly it works....
But it seems that the iFrame insde the FB-iFrame is not willing to display.

Outsite FB:
Inside FB:

Any suggestions?
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Support Specialist
12 years 9 months ago #12007 by alzander
I'm actually seeing the page show up just fine in the iFrame/Page tab. I can take a picture if you want, but it looks just like it should.

I'm using Chrome on Windows 7, and can test other browsers or configurations if you'd like. Let me know if you're still not seeing it.

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12 years 9 months ago #12017 by fb_100000468410930
So... finaly I made it with your help!
Thanx a lot.....

Still one thing:
Now clicking on the iLike-Button (i.g. on this side --> ) lead to an error.
The description sys I should check the url in the FB-Linter.

I did do, but the result i without any errors...

Any Ideas?

EDIT: What ever happend... Time made it work! All probs are solved!!!!!
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Support Specialist
12 years 9 months ago #12019 by alzander
When you originally setup an application, Facebook needs to scan the page you're putting like buttons on before it will really register any Likes or post them to a wall. They do that to make sure your page isn't spammy, malware, or other 'bad' things. Once a few pages have been scanned (it happens automatically just by having the like button on the page), they'll eventually determine your whole site is safe. The linter speeds things up by scanning the page right then, instead of waiting for Facebook to do it.

Little background, but not necessary since things seem to be working... Very glad to hear we got you going. Should you need anything else, you know where to find us!

Finally, after you've played with JFBConnect a bit, please consider leaving a rating and review on the Joomla Extension Directory. It's certainly not required, but very appreciated:

Thanks, and good luck!
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