Topic-icon hehe I tried changing some settings to fix the problem now I have

Active Subscriptions:

I treid messing around with my settings and now I have redirect errors.

I hope someone can help.

the good news is that I have a live chat on site.

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Support Specialist
When are you getting the redirect errors? On login, registration, logout, or randomly?

For redirect errors, normally, we'd recommend checking your New User Redirection, Returning User Redirection, and Logout Redirection settings in the JFBConnect configuration area. If you had one of them set to go to a menu item that no longer exists, for instance, you'll get an error. If those all look right, let me know a little more about what you messed with and we'll do what we can to help.

Also, are you using any 3rd party SEF components (sh404SEF, SEF Advance, etc)? Sometimes, those have issues, but we're always able to solve those conflicts if you're using them.

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