Topic-icon JFBConnect for Joomla 1.6 - Bug Roundup

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Hi Alex,

Maybe this belongs in another thread but I'll just put it here for now. Installation and configuration was no problem at all and at first glance everything works well. Do have a couple of things you may want to look at:

- The current versions of components, modules and plugins are newer than the latest versions available in the Overview admin form. Guess this is because of the RC version.
- Invite FB friends (only one tested so far) does not check if the logged in Joomla user is the matching FB user. My wife is signed in at FB (her Joomla account is linked to a FB account) and I'm signed in at the Joomla site (my Joomla account is not linked to a FB acount), now my wife's connections show up in the FB invite module when I'm logged into Joomla. I expected some kind of check to see if the Joomla user is matching the FB account but the modules seem to work independently.
- Clicking on a user in the User Map (column 'Joomla User') gives me a 500 error. The URL looks something like this:[]=48

A suggestion: It would be great to assign FB users/FB linked users to a different Joomla user group. This makes it easier to hide menu items and modules related to FB for those who don't use FB. Basically I'd like to have all users in the User Map to be assigned to a specific Joomla user group. I'm new to JFBConnect so maybe I missed something here?

Other than that I've had a very pleasant experience with JFBConnect. No problems at all configuring it with the 1.5 manual and you have plenty of text in the config screens to guide admins through the process.

I'm at the point where (trusted) users can start signing up and give me their feedback on the signup experience. I'll get back to you if I have more complaining to do... ;-)

Great work!
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Thanks for creating this new thread.

Another thing I found is the creation of duplicate fields in JomSocial profiles after using Customize Profile and logout/login using FB connect. All existing fields that have a FB field assigned to them show up in the user profile twice. Not a big deal at the moment because I'm using test users but this could mean lots of maintenance work in a later stage.

If you want to have a look on my site's backend you can contact me for login info, you're welcome to investigate there.
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Support Specialist
13 years 2 months ago #9572 by alzander
Before I forget, later today, we'll be making a Joomla 1.6 support area, so look there for this thread at some point if you need to add new problems and can't find this thread. Will be easier that way.

As for your issues:
- Incorrect version check - Yup. We botched that. 20 minutes after we uploaded the extensions, we updated the versions in our system, and then realized we forgot to update the component to check for the J1.6 versions. The next release will definitely have this fixed, but until then, they'll be incorrect. We'll definitely respond here when updates are available.
- I think that's actually a bug that would affect the 1.5/1.6 version. The module actually just shows the Facebook user's friends, regardless of whether they're 'connected' on your site.. Facebook just needs to tell us there's a user there, and we show their friends. I can see how this is confusing in your case (in a shared environment), and am logging it as an investigation point. We have intentions to overhaul the Invite module in the near future (1-2 months), so this will definitely be figured out then.
- Usermap link - Yup, valid bug. Need to update that link.

As for the default group, that's definitely coming. For this release, we really are shooting for feature parity with our 1.5 version. Once it's out in a final form, we'll be going crazy with all the goodies that 1.6 offers - groups, profiles, etc. Hopefully, it's not a deal-breaker now, and we can likely show you how to change (with a few lines of code) how to hard-set the group for new FB users manually.

For JomSocial, we fixed that stupid bug in the 1.5, but didn't migrate it to 1.6. We'll be having a merged development shortly, so we make a change in one place, and it should fix for both versions.. that's a goal of 3.3.0. Until then, if you want to fix manually, please edit /plugins/jfbcprofiles/jomsocial/jomsocial.php. On line 261, change the if to the below (remove the $isNew):
if (!$rowId)

Hope this all helps. Nothing above seems 'critical' so far. We'll be finalizing the 3.3.0 release with the above fixes and are shooting for a final release later next week. Should a critical bug appear, timelines will of course change.

Really appreciate the feedback, and good luck!
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Hi Alex,

Thanks for helping, really appreciate it. I used to break software for a living but have a hard time breaking yours, it's great to see how you guys deal with bug reports and suggestions. I'm pretty sure most (if not all) Joomla 1.6 admins can safely install and use your extension as it is today.

I'll get started with the field creation fix first and I gladly accept your offer on helping me with the (fixed) Joomla user group assignment for FB signups. The shared environment FB module behavior is something I can live with and I believe the (fixed) user group assignment will fix it for me anyway: non FB users will not see the menus/modules, FB users will be using their own account and see their friends only.

Have a great weekend and thanks again!
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Support Specialist
13 years 2 months ago #9576 by alzander
That's awesome news that it's working so well for you. We really do pound away at these things while we're developing, and have automated tests to make sure that the last change we make doesn't break the first thing we implemented...

It may take a little bit for me to get you the best way to set the default group, but I should have something for you by early next week. We're trying to figure out the best way to do it internally (with an admin option), and that should lead to an easy fix for you temporarily as well.

Anyways, we'll have a great weekend, and you do the same. We always keep an eye on the forums, so should you run into anything, just let us know.

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Just a quick note that the proposed fix for duplicate profile fields on FB logout/login is working. :-)
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