Topic-icon Get Photos from Albums - Was working before.

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5 years 10 months ago #64768 by Ivan

Previously I was getting photos using the code below to first get album ids then get the photos. I can still get a list of albums but I can no longer get the photos listed in the album.
From the documentation it seems I am missing an access token. How can i get this access token from JFBConnect to pass to the photos function getAlbumById?

function getAlbums ()
try {
return $this->api('me/albums');

catch (Exception $ex) {
return array();

function getAlbumById ($aid)
try {
$photos = $this->api($aid.'/photos');
return $photos;
catch (Exception $ex) {
return array();
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5 years 10 months ago #64771 by Ivan
I have tried this:
$params['access_token'] = JFBCFactory::usermap()->getUserAccessToken($userid, 'facebook');
		    $photos = $this->api('/'.$fbuserid.'/photos', $params['access_token']);

But no luck
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5 years 10 months ago #64774 by alzander
I just read through the photos endpoint documentation from Facebook.

In there, it says:

Any valid access token for any photo with public privacy settings.
For any photos uploaded by someone, and any photos in which they have been tagged - A user access token for that person with user_photos permission

If the image is public, you should be able to see it always. If it's a private photo, I'd recommend checking the token you're using in the Access Token Debug Tools to make sure you have the user_photos permission.

I hope that helps, but if not, please let me know!

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