I created two users on your site:
1. An employer account with standard Joomla credentials and filling out the form. The activation link in the email goes to index.php?option=com_users&task=registration.activate&token=8493b77c50b91d245707052a961b2edb
2. Using FB credentials. The activation link in the email goes to index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=confirm&confirmcode=regd8ea1974461c0cc7bfdec99d9b5fa6c0006c74a4 which brings me to a 404
Can you
* explain if you've made any changes to your Community Builder configuration lately
* what happens if you try to create an account using Community Builder on your frontend? What does the activation link look like here? This is our main question as we suspect that it will exhibit the same 404 behavior.