Topic-icon index.php instead of an image from article

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7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 11 months ago #59694 by Killman
When I share an item from K2, to FB or LinkedIn, I get this: (index.php instead of an image)

One item from web:
FB debug:
Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by Killman.
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Support Specialist
7 years 11 months ago #59697 by mel
Could you provide a specific URL of a page you're trying to share? I'll need to check that the Open Graph image and description tags are correct. Randomly looking through your page, I can't find one with LinkedIn / Facebook buttons.

I don't see any share buttons on the link you provided and the image preview you show from the Sharing Debugger shows a valid looking preview.

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Active Subscriptions:

7 years 11 months ago #59703 by Killman
Sorry I was talking about the autopost option not a share button. When I publish an item from K2 that happens.
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Support Specialist
7 years 11 months ago #59718 by mel
Since this is a new item that is being published, Facebook hasn't scanned the page. It could make sense that the image/description do not match the tags that are on the page. However, Facebook should automatically update that post when the page is scraped for the first time.

Could you look back at your Facebook Page and let me know if the image/description have been updated for the post - if they've been updated or if they're still incorrect/blank? If there's still a specific URL that has an incorrect image/description, please let me know that URL so that I can look at the tags on the page and look at the sharing debugger.

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Support Specialist
7 years 11 months ago #59731 by mel
I see now. It looks like the link that is shared is incorrect, hence the empty image. When you click on the link in the FB post, it goes to an unknown page.

1. What version of JFBConnect are you using? The account that you're posting from does not have an active subscription. There have been bug fixes related to autoposting URL's in the past few releases.
2. Could you go into the JFBConnect backend > Channels > History tab and let me know the details for the autopost that was published?
3. Did you create the K2 item in the backend or front-end? Did you just create an item and then save it? Or was it a pending item that was published on a future date. Details on how you performed the autopost would be helpful.
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Active Subscriptions:

7 years 11 months ago - 7 years 11 months ago #59735 by Killman
1. JFBConnect
Copyright: 2010-2015 © SourceCoast Web Development
Version: 7.0.3


3. Backend. Tried publishing an item that was created before JFBConnect installation and a new item like the last one "test5".
I created new item and save it without publish and then publish it and tried creating new item with publish with the save. Same results with everything.

FB Channel config:
LinkedIn Channel config:

Test5 item: didn't touch any options in the sidebar.
Image link options:
Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by Killman.
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Support Specialist
7 years 11 months ago #59746 by mel
We made some changes in one of the most recent versions of JFBConnect that I suspect might be related to this issue. Could you make the following change:

In /libraries/sourcecoast/openGraphPlugin.php, around line 468, could you comment out (or temporarily remove) the following block of code:
//Need to make an AJAX call to front-end to get the SEF URL
$http = JHttpFactory::getHttp();
$sef = $http->get(JUri::root() . 'index.php?option=com_jfbconnect&task=ajax.sef&url=' . base64_encode($link));
if ($sef && $sef->code == 200)
   $link = $sef->body;

Could you let me know if this helps to post the correct URL and that it brings you to a valid page?

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Support Specialist
7 years 11 months ago #59758 by mel
Hmm. Would you mind giving us FTP and backend access to your site? Looks like I will have to step through the code and see how it's behaving on your system as we can't reproduce this on our test sites. You can use the envelope icon under my avatar to send a PM.
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