Topic-icon facebook login fail with joomla 2.5

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7 years 10 months ago #59596 by laucol
I have this extension since 2014 without any problem
This day i cannot connect in my website with facebook
Url :

Facebook Error message (in french) :

URL bloquée: La redirection a échoué car l’URI redirigée n’est pas approuvée dans les réglages Client OAuth de l’application. Assurez-vous que le Client et l’identification Web OAuth sont activés et ajoutez les domaines de toutes vos applications dans la liste des URIs autorisées.

in JFB joomla admin i have this error with url

File Attachment:

I udpate extension with new version but problem is alway present

File Attachment:

Thanks for you help
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Support Specialist
7 years 10 months ago #59599 by mel
The redirection URL that you have entered into the FB application is in the incorrect format. You have put the deauthorization callback there when it should be in a different section.

The redirect URIs should be as follows:

The deauthorization value that you see in red in Autotune belongs in the section called Annuler l'autorisation which is empty in your screenshot.
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7 years 10 months ago #59608 by laucol
Thanks for quick answer

Problem is alway present , you could see new and more information in attach png

File Attachment:

File Attachment:

File Attachment:

File Attachment:
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7 years 10 months ago #59609 by laucol
I doesn't undestand, it work fine now.
I contact you later if y continu to have this problem
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Support Specialist
7 years 10 months ago #59611 by mel
The latest screenshots looks like the correct values. Sometimes you'll just need to refresh the Autotune values after changing your FB application directly. Let us know if you run into any other problems.

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7 years 10 months ago #59612 by laucol
I think this problem is only for admin account,
Is it possible ?
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Support Specialist
7 years 10 months ago #59614 by mel
From the screenshots it looks as though the app is configured correctly. However, I found a problem on your page after running the Autotune error checker. There are multiple head and body sections on your page. This is generally from other extensions or templates inserting them improperly.

To verify that this isn't from JFBConnect, please disable the JFBConnect system, authentication and user plugins. Logging in with Facebook will not work while multiple head/body sections are present. Until this is resolved, login with FB functionality will not work.

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