Topic-icon structure open graph

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9 years 3 days ago #54190 by sioux
structure open graph was created by sioux
hello, I have finished the configuration of the component.
You can confirm that it's okay for the automatic generation of the open graph to share on facebook?

under the code of the page generated

then you can tell me if I have to remove something from this line:

<html prefix="og: fb: costozero:" prefix="og:" xmlns="" xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="" xml:lang="it-it" lang="it-it" dir="ltr" >

code page example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="La grande struttura del padiglione americano nasce dalla collaborazione dello studio newyorkese Biber Architects, vincitore del concorso di progettazione bandito dal governo statunitense, e lo studio Genius Loci Architettura di Milano, incaricato dello sviluppo del progetto esecutivo e della Direzione Lavori"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="La grande struttura del padiglione americano nasce dalla collaborazione dello studio newyorkese Biber Architects, vincitore del concorso di progettazione bandito dal governo statunitense, e lo studio Genius Loci Architettura di Milano, incaricato dello sviluppo del progetto esecutivo e della Direzione Lavori"/>
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<meta name="twitter:title" content="US PAVILLON, un’idea americana made in Italy"/>
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<meta property="og:site_name" content="Costozero magazine di economia di Confindustria Salerno"/>
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Support Specialist
9 years 3 days ago #54200 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic structure open graph
If you're concerned about the Open Graph tags that JFBConnect is setting, we recommend using the Facebook Open Graph Debug Tool or the Social Debug Meta Checker Tool . Both of those sites can show you which tags are set on your page and if there are any obvious issues.

I hope that helps, but if you need more assistance, please let us know where you think there is a problem.

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