Topic-icon Please try to download the connect jfb I bought, but I could not.

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #53706 by cpmil
Good day,
Please try to download the connect jfb I bought, but I could not.

You could leave enabled so that I could download the version you bought or authorize latest update to connect jfb I have in my site

Unfortunately I had some health problems and I was two months without working on the site .. but now I'm working on it again.

Thank you!
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by mel.
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Support Specialist
I sent you a PM. Please let me know if you have trouble downloading the package.
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Active Subscriptions:

Good day,
I was unable to download or update my jfb connect ...
I received in the mail just a forum posting.
You could enable the latest update for me or download the version I bought (for the reasons he had already explained).
thank you
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Support Specialist
The system doesn't allow access to the download unless your subscription is active. The PM that I sent has the installation zip file attached. If you click on the link in the message, that should allow you to download the file, so please let me know if that does not work.
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Sorry, did not come any attached file.
You can send me back?
thank you
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Support Specialist

I received in the mail just a forum posting.

This was sent in a private message, not in the forum thread. Please go to Messages > Inbox and click on the latest message from me. In the message, there is a link that when clicked on will download the file for you. The file will not be attached to this thread, as it is a public forum.
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Active Subscriptions:

It worked!
Thanks or service =)
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