Topic-icon Got hacked through JFBConnect

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9 years 1 month ago #53619 by brycho

Lot's of phishing sites have been targeting my site and i think its thru JFBConnect, it appeared to be through this file - /components/com_jfbconnect/index.php.

I had to buy a new license to upgrade. No noticeable damage was done but it was scary. My question now is.

1. Was it really through JFBConnect? In that case I don't have to investigate any more.
2. If so, after the upgrade has it been fixed? If so, I won't have to worry any further.

Thank you

(msg from my host below)

> Please be informed that you are hosting a fraudulent ‘phish’ web-site at the following URL:
> /components/com_jfbconnect/index (.) php that is now redirected to hXXp://micronmedical (.) com/santanderundetected/NuevaVersion/index.php where the abusive content is located.
> Kindly be provided with the *final* 12 hours grace period to remove the redirect in order to prevent any service interruption for (my url) (.) com domain. If the redirect is not removed within next 12 hours we may be forced to suspend access to this domain.
> Looking forward to your reply.
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Support Specialist
9 years 1 month ago #53628 by alzander
We have never been informed of any security issues with JFBConnect in the file you mention, and it's been over 3 years since *any* security related issues have been reported or found in JFBConnect.

I can't guarantee you that no vulnerabilities exist, but there are none that we are aware of or that have been fixed recently.

As for your description of the issue, JFBConnect does not use or install a file in the path of:
If there was an 'index.php' file in that directory, it wasn't put there by JFBConnect. Additionally, no features of JFBConnect expect an index.php file in that directory and our code wouldn't normally try to execute that file.

The only files that should be in the /components/com_jfbconnect/ directory are:

I hope that helps explain more about JFBConnect, but if you need anything else or have any more information on this issue, please let us know.

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