Topic-icon White page after component update - JOAuth2Client not found

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #53465 by mornie

I've just updated the JFBConnect component @ Joomla 2.5 site.
Now the error shows the following:

PHP Fatal error: Class 'JOAuth2Client' not found in /components/com_jfbconnect/libraries/provider/google.php on line 48

How to fix this ? I can see in your forum, old post, that it has been an known issue.
We do currently not want to restore from backup, but possible if needed.
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by mornie.
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Support Specialist
The only other report I could find in our forums similar to this issue was the one below:

The response I gave there is exactly what I'd still recommend. We have many, many users on the latest release of JFBConnect and Joomla 2.5. We haven't determined any cause that the installation would fail, but the steps there should help re-install it so that all the files are properly loaded on your system.

Please follow those instructions, and if it doesn't work, let us know where you get stuck or if there is any different behavior. Also, let us know when you get the error (front-end or back-end, only when trying to authenticate, etc).

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Problem solved now, and updated to 6.4.0 without any issues.

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Support Specialist
9 years 1 month ago #53476 by mel
Glad it seemed simple to resolve. Let us know if you run into any further issues.

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