Topic-icon Plugin Facebook - Like Button without popup

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Hi, is it possible to use the plugin Facebook - Like Button {JFBCLike} without showing the popup for the comment?

Thank you
Best regards

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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52559 by mel
No, this is not something for which we have any control. The settings Facebook makes available to us are found at

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Thanks for your answer Mel,

maybe you can suggest me a solution: in the bottom of this page (it is a test copy of the future home page)
I wish to use a one line button actions. I use JFBCLike for the fan page and JFBCShare for the site page. It works perfectly, but when you select the like button the popup goes down and you cannot see it well.
JFBCFan would be more appropriate than JFBCLike for the fan page, but I need a line buttons and JFBCFan shows also the square fan page image and the name of the page. I think it is not possible to hide them using css display:none;

In any othe page of the site I use this configuration (example: and it is perfect, but for the home page I'd like to have the same actions, but only in one line because the home page requires a more essential design.

Can you suggest me an idea for this?

Thank you
Best regards

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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52587 by mel

I wish to use a one line button actions. I use JFBCLike for the fan page and JFBCShare for the site page. It works perfectly, but when you select the like button the popup goes down and you cannot see it well.

The Like button is placed near the edge of an HTML element with the CSS overflow property set to hidden, so the comment popup is clipped. To fix this, you can change the style for #art-main of overflow:hidden to overflow:auto. Doing this can grow the page when the popup is shown and shrink it back when it's closed again.

JFBCFan would be more appropriate than JFBCLike for the fan page, but I need a line buttons and JFBCFan shows also the square fan page image and the name of the page. I think it is not possible to hide them using css display:none;

This doesn't sound like anything that we could easily control. Keep in mind that Facebook has also recently deprecated the Like Box functionality (called JFBCFan in JFBConnect). It is being replaced by the new Page Plugin (which we plan to support in the next JFBConnect release). The Like Box widget will no longer work starting June 23rd. If you want more info, see

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Hi Mel,

thanks for your css it works, but the second sidebar is not really what I had in my mind. I think I will do in this way
I moved above the plugins set, it is not that bad.

Last thing, is there any limit to center the set? I created a div container, but align="center" and/or text-align:center; don't put the line buttons in the middle of the div. Sorry if I ask you about css, but I think it something about facebook css and maybe you already know hot to fix this.

Many many thanks!
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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52596 by mel
You have a div with the class "custom" around the buttons. If you set the width on that div to something like 80% (tinker with the number to find the right value), it will center it and looks good when shrinking the page for responsive layouts. I've only tried this in Chrome, so obviously test in other browsers as well.

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Hi Mel, I tried 80% but on my side it didn't work properly, so I used this
style="position: absolute; margin: -5px 0 0 6%;">

and now it seems working pretty well almost in every device.

Thank you for your great and very fast support, it is very usefull to see things under different points of views, it helps a lot to find the best solution.

Kind regards


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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52625 by mel
There's a ton of flexibility with CSS so there are many solutions to the same problem. Glad that you found one that worked for you.

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