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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52194 by mel
I'm sorry, I misinterpreted your original post. The code that I gave you was for the JFBCContent plugin (which the thread you linked to was in reference to), not the JFBCSocialShare module.

Can you try adding this code to /modules/mod_jfbcsocialshare/tmpl/default.php at line 65 so that it happens right after the "if ($facebookEnable)" block
else if($facebookShareEnable)
        if($layout == 'standard' || $layout == 'button')
            $style = 'button';
        else if($layout == 'box_count')
            $style = 'box_count';
            $style = 'button_count';

        echo '{JFBCShare layout=' . $style . ' width=' . $facebookWidth . $href . $renderKeyString . '}';

Let me know if you have problems with this new code.

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I'm sorry Mel, it was my fault because I didn't notice the link was about the plugin, same small issue of the module.

I suggest to add your code to the next release.

Best regards
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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52230 by mel
Yes, it's already checked in for the next release. Again, sorry for the confusion.

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Thanks a lot

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