Topic-icon Register with Facebook on EasySocial Site

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9 years 4 months ago #51868 by altitudes

I'm using JFBConnect with EasySocial, and want users to be able to choose their EasySocial Profile Type and complete this profile during registration with Facebook.
I chose Registration Component = EasySocial in JFBConnect Configuration (General) because I read this is the only way to achieve this ;-)

I have 2 questions:
- Is there any way to generate a random password so that the user don't have to choose one (as it is with JFBConnect as a registration component)?
- With JFBConnect as a registration component, the user can link his existing Joomla account to his Facebook account even if the emails are not the same. Is it possible to do the same using EasySocial as a registration component?

Thank you
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Support Specialist
9 years 4 months ago #51880 by alzander

- Is there any way to generate a random password so that the user don't have to choose one (as it is with JFBConnect as a registration component)?

No. The way the registration page is shown for EasySocial, they don't allow us to pre-populate or hide that field in any way.

- With JFBConnect as a registration component, the user can link his existing Joomla account to his Facebook account even if the emails are not the same. Is it possible to do the same using EasySocial as a registration component?

No. When we send the user through an alternative registration flow from another component, we have to work with that component. We can't completely override how it functions or what it does, all we can do is hide or pre-populate some fields. EasySocial is very powerful and allows us to do a lot of cool things during registration. Unfortunately, we can't add a whole other form to the page in a simple manner that would let the user authenticate with an existing account.

If you have a site with a lot of users already, the suggestions I'd provide are:
* Ensure that the "Automatically link users by email" is enabled. That won't work for the case you mention above where users have a different email though.
* Make it clear to users that are authenticated that they can link their existing account to any of the social networks you support. This can be done with the SCLogin module or through a separate page that you add the connect buttons too.
* In the 6.3 release, we'll have a user management page where user's can also be directed to see what social networks they've linked to more easily

I hope that helps answer your questions and provide some suggestions. If you need more assistance though, just let us know.

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #51887 by altitudes
Thank you for this comprehensive answer and your advice.

Regarding your advice "* Make it clear to users...", as I set Registration Component = EasySocial in JFBConnect Configuration (General), I think this will apply everywhere, including in SCLogin module or when using the {JFBCLogin} tag. So this won't solve my issue when users have a different email on their social account (but maybe that's not what you were saying...).

I will rather make it clear to my users that they need to have the same email. Period. ;)
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by altitudes.
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Support Specialist
9 years 4 months ago #51896 by alzander

I think this will apply everywhere, including in SCLogin module or when using the {JFBCLogin} tag.

Correct, the EasySocial registration page will be loaded when users are first authenticating. However, I was talking about using the tag like:
{JFBCLogin show_reconnect=true}
That will show the social login buttons to users when they are logged in. If they click them, they will associate their currently logged in account to the social networks.

The SCLogin module has a similar option for showing the connect account buttons, which you can see an example of by hovering over the My Account menu in the top right.

In both cases, only the networks that the user hasn't associated with will be shown, allowing them to easily connect their social network accounts to your site.

So, if you can direct users to the SCLogin module or that tag after they've logged in, you can help usher them into linking their accounts together.

I hope that helps explain more.
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9 years 4 months ago #51897 by altitudes
Thank you, now that's clear.
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Support Specialist
9 years 4 months ago #51900 by alzander
Glad to help explain. If you need anything else, just let us know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It's certainly not required, but very appreciate:

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