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Topic-icon Provided og:image is not big enough

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11 years 7 months ago #31631 by mtk
{This is not really Joomla related because it happens in both Joomla 1.5 and 2.5}

When adding an image to an article, either by an IMG tag or {SCOpenGraph image=...}, Facebook Linter cries about the image not being big enough and that it should be at least 200x200 and at most 1500x1500.
this happens also with images a lot bigger than 200x200...
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Support Specialist
11 years 7 months ago #31635 by alzander
Can you provide a link to a page where the image is larger than 200x200 and Facebook still complains? My only guess then is that JFBConnect is guessing at the right image, and choosing the wrong one (or thumbnail version of it).

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Support Specialist
11 years 6 months ago #31727 by alzander
I'm a bit confused about this myself. I just did a bit of testing with different images. What I found was that whenever 2 images were set, the 'image is too small' text would appear in the debugger. There are multiple bug reports in Facebook regarding the og:image property and the error your seeing:

Facebook definitely changed things lately regarding how that's parsed, and I think that's the problem. One of the big problems people mention is if your og:image tag redirects from the URL you specify to the actual image. That isn't an issue on your site, or on our test sites though.

So, unfortunately, my only suggestions are to:
* Try removing your "default" image in the Open Graph settings area and see if that message goes away. For us it did.
* Use the bug report above and use the "Does this repro describe your issue?". Describe the problem like you did here and wait for FB to fix the issue.

Hope that helps, and thanks for the report. We'll definitely be monitoring it.
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