× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon Disable email notifications of new users connected via FB

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First of all, I would like to thank you guys for creating a brilliant set of integration tools for Joomla. I have used them on several sites so far with extremely good results.

I have a question regarding email notifications of new FB users created on sites. Every time a new user logs in with Facebook and and account is created, I get an email to tell me the user account details. This is great but I have it installed on several sites now which generate many accounts daily and I get constant emails about them.

I have tried disabling my user account from receiving system emails and also looked through the component options/configuration to see if I can turn them off but to no avail.

How can I disable this feature?


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Support Specialist
Very glad to hear you're happy and good to know you're using our extensions successfully on multiple sites! Good to know when one subscription is helping power a lot of sites for our users and your getting everything you can out of your subscription.

If you just don't want the administrator notifications of new users, the "Receive System Emails" setting for your user *should* be what you need to do. If that's not working, I'd be a bit confused. The line of code to comment out so that the new email isn't sent is below. However, it shouldn't be necessary to do that as making that change will be necessary every time you upgrade.. which could get annoying.

So, double check that the setting for the "Receive System E-mails" is disabled for the email address you are receiving them at (that setting can be enabled for admins and regular users as well). If that isn't working, then edit the /components/com_jfbconnect/controllers/loginregister.php file. Around line 650, you'll see the following block:
// Send mail to all superadministrators id
                foreach ($rows as $row)
                    $return = JFactory::getMailer()->sendMail($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'], $row->email, $emailSubject, $emailBodyAdmin);
Change that last line to:
$return = true;
That will stop the admin notification email without causing other issues. If not, let us know!

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