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Topic-icon login and connect for joomla+phpmydirectory

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15 years 3 months ago #1419 by kitmobley
hello i am running a hybrid joomla + community builder + phpmydirectory and i'm wondering how i can integrate the jfbconnect and login stuff into phpmydirectory. currently if you go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="code.intown411.com">code.intown411.com and login/create and account with jfb it works great, then if you click directory doesn't see you logged in cuz you're not. phpmydirectory has a user share so that if you login with your joomla creds it will check to see if those creds are vaild and if so it automatically creates the account in phpymydirectory. and wala. what i need to do is bring the jfb login stuff over to phpmydirectory pages and if account already exists stay logged in, if not automatically create the account and keep account info diplayed. am i being clear enough?
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