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Topic-icon How delete button on linkedin and delete space between button

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how can i delete button of linkedin? I want google plus, but not linkedin.

and how can delte the space between like button and others button?
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Support Specialist
We don't have an easy switch to enable specific buttons. We'll be adding that in a future release. To remove it manually, you'll need to make the following code change. In the /plugins/content/jbccontent.php file, you'll need to make the following changes:
Around line 321, comment out (put a //) in front of the following line:
// $doc->addScript("http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js");
About 20 lines below that, on line 349, remove the fererence to the linked in button in the "$extraButtonText string. There's 3 lines you'll want to remove, the div, the LinkedIn button, and a closing div.

As for the space, it's simply the "width" setting in the content plugin. Decrease that value, and the space will go away.

Hope that helps,
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Tahank You, it work perfectly!
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Support Specialist
Great to hear, glad we could help!
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