× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon 'Register account' does not show in the module

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Hi, I just purchased and installed the latest version of the component and module, on a Joomla 1.5.9 site using Community Builder and an RT SolarSentinel template.

All seems to be working all right, except I'd like to have a link in the login module to 'create a new account' for people who don't have Facebook accounts.

I've set this link to 'show' in the module settings, but it's not showing. Help, please! <!-- s:| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:| -->

Link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="helloNanjing.net">helloNanjing.net
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Support Specialist
15 years 4 months ago #1152 by alzander
For your case, I'm assuming you have:
Registration Component: Community Builder
Show Registration Link: Show

Underneath the Facebook button, what links are showing up? Does the "Forgot login?" link show up if you set the Forgot Username/Password params to show? Not sure why it wouldn't be showing up, and it's not enabled on your page, so can't look at the output code.
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15 years 4 months ago #1159 by Futureguy4dp

sourcecoast wrote: For your case, I'm assuming you have:
Registration Component: Community Builder
Show Registration Link: Show

Underneath the Facebook button, what links are showing up? Does the "Forgot login?" link show up if you set the Forgot Username/Password params to show? Not sure why it wouldn't be showing up, and it's not enabled on your page, so can't look at the output code.

Hi, I have republished the module, so you can have a look.

Registration Component: Community Builder
Show Registration Link: Show
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15 years 4 months ago #1160 by Futureguy4dp
Here are my module settings:

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Support Specialist
15 years 4 months ago #1163 by alzander
Ah.. So the 2 things we check for to show that link are that the "Show register link" is set correctly (which you have) and that the site is setup to allow user registration.

Can you check in admin area of your site in Site->Global Configuration under the "System" tab that "Allow User Registration" is set to Yes? Once that is, it should show up.
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15 years 4 months ago #1166 by Futureguy4dp

sourcecoast wrote: Ah.. So the 2 things we check for to show that link are that the "Show register link" is set correctly (which you have) and that the site is setup to allow user registration.

Can you check in admin area of your site in Site->Global Configuration under the "System" tab that "Allow User Registration" is set to Yes? Once that is, it should show up.

Hmm... in the Community Builder Component, it says to set the global config to 'no', and then in CB itself, it says to set user registration to 'yes, independent of global setting'.

If I set the global config to 'yes', won't this affect my CB registrations?
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Support Specialist
15 years 4 months ago #1178 by alzander
You are correct. We'll update the module shortly to remove that check. Since you have the option to show or not show it in the module, we really shouldn't be checking anyways since it presents a case like you've given where you say "Show" and it doesn't anyways.

If you'd like to fix yourself, update line 35 of /modules/mod_jfbclogin/tmpl/default.php to be:
if ($params->get('showRegisterLink')) { ?>

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