× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon fconnect button tries to connect from different url

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i just purchased and installed this last night. and when i hit the facebook connect button on my main page it works fine, but if i go to a different page it was telling me it was trying to connect to a different website. Now when i try it on a page other than the home page it says page under construction and says the url of another website (not mine) and tells me to go to the developers application settings and connect it. I have no idea what is going on here and would appreciate any help you could give me.

also the url it wants to connect to from my site is not of an appropriate nature.

the way i found out it was doing this was when i logged using the facebook connect on my home page and navigated to another page on my site my facebook profile pic would disappear. so i signed out and tried to sign in from that page and that's when i realized what it was trying to do.

I have currently disable this module because I can't have my user trying to connect to something inappropriate.

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Support Specialist
15 years 3 days ago #1143 by alzander
Can you provide a URL for us to look into this more? This is intriguing, but not something we've heard of before.
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i've turned the module back on, on my site so you can check it out. the site is atlantis9.com

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Support Specialist
15 years 2 days ago #1151 by alzander
When you go to developer.facebook.com, can you check both your canvas and callback url's? I'm not sure why it's thinking your site isn't who it says it is on other pages.. but we'll figure it out.

I would think the URLs should be (make sure the http:// is there):

Canvas Callback URL
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="atlantis9.com/">atlantis9.com/
Connect URL
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="atlantis9.com/">atlantis9.com/

After that's done, in the JFBC component Overview, can you check that the callback URL listed there is the same as what's displayed on Facebook?
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i double checked and the callback and connect url's are <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="atlantis9.com/">atlantis9.com/ and the correct url is listed on the JFBC overview page
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Support Specialist
15 years 2 days ago #1155 by alzander
At the very bottom of your pages that don't work, you have the following code:
<fb&#58;comments numposts="10" simple="No" width="550" reverse="No" css=" " xid="6"></fb&#58;comments>
		 	<script type="text/javascript">
		 	FB.init(" ", "/plugins/content/xd_receiver.htm");
			</script></div> <!-- START of joscomment --><!-- END of joscomment -->

That call to FB.init with a blank first parameter is the problem. Disable whatever module that is, and your problem should be fixed. Is that the FBComments module or something else? We can probably help you fix that too. I just learned more about Brody Ruckus than I ever wanted too (it's a fake marketing scam, by the way, I also learned).

No clue why a blank param sends you to that page, but we'll figure it out.
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Support Specialist
15 years 2 days ago #1156 by alzander
If your using a module that lets you enter your API key somewhere.. do that. It should be the same key that you're using for JFBConnect.. We call the init function too, but don't think it will be problematic if it's called twice, as long as the same API key is used.
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Thanks a million it is working correctly now, and it was because the fbcomments was missing it's api key.
Once again thank you a lot.
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thanks again for the help with my last problem but, i have one more question on the jfbcomments module if you could help me there too. i went through and excluded all the categories i didn't want it to show up on, however it still shows up on my contact page. just wondering if i was doing something wrong.
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Support Specialist
15 years 2 days ago #1162 by alzander
We didn't develop that module. It'd be best to post in their forums for support. Good luck!
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