× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon [Released] JFBC 2.1 - CB Integration and Registration Page

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14 years 11 months ago #1072 by AnyWay
Firstly hi all, you are doing a great component!

I noticed some bug and i'd like to suggest some feature that many people would probably like to see:

- Using Opera Browser You can't see the CONNECT button in the Login

I'm testing the last version (with CB Integration) and:

- Many of us, uses the cb_gender field as a radio box, it would be good to see the chance of import it from fb also (radio box aren't showed in the configuration).
- When i Login for the first time, sometimes i get an infinite loop and i can't Login (i tried using different browsers), the browser says that the request will never completed (Firefox last version) or that the site has generated too many redirects (Chrome, Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS)), or the progress bar never stop (IE 8 Final)

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14 years 11 months ago #1073 by AnyWay
When i Login for the first time, sometimes i get an infinite loop and i can't Login (i tried using different browsers), the browser says that the request will never completed (Firefox last version) or that the site has generated too many redirects (Chrome, Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS)), or the progress bar never stop (IE 8 Final)

Solved by deleting user map records.
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Any news on a stable release of the new version yet?
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Support Specialist
This has been just been released. JomSocial and CB support has been extensively tested, and feedback from many posts has been integrated. We'd love to hear your feedback on any issues or enhancements you'd like to see!
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Looking good. A few more items to look at:

I use joomla pack to test all new installs. Thusfar I can't put into production because:

The fields do not import into cb
It does redirect, and the user can edit the profile, however the user is still "pending".
the new user email does not "send" (I assume because it is pending)

-the component screen is missing a pix
-the email checker is missing a pix for the searching and/or duplicate email found
-the login input is choppy - I fixed by adding br after the labels (fyi only)

using jfbc ver 2.1.0
all login options are hidden from the module
using cb 1.2 (latest stable subscriber release)-I think this is also the latest public release
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Support Specialist
Thanks for the great feedback! We're going to start marketing quite a bit for JFBC soon, so will work hard to get these features in there quickly.

1) Which fields aren't importing? All of them, or just a few? Are avatars importing? This helps us narrow down where the issue may be...
2) "Pending user": Can you tell me what the settings are for "Enabled", "Approved", and "Confirmed" in the User Manager for the pending user?
3) Which component screen is missing a pic? That's new to us :D
4) The email/username uses the following 2 Joomla default images:
Are those on your system? If it fails for email, I would assume it's missing for username too..?

As for the new user registration email, that's not implemented currently, but should be pretty simple to get setup. Hopefully we can get a release with that and fixes for the above out by tomorrow. If you want a test version, or if you want me to see anything in the admin area of your site, IM me your email or login info and we can go from there.

Thanks again, we'll get you up and running soon!
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Support Specialist
2.1.1 was just released which fixes the CB issues below. Mainly, the welcome email is now sent, along with an admin email to notify of the new user.

Please let us know if you have any more feedback on the issues above!
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I updated to the latest version. It does not import the avatar into the profile, and the user is still not confirmed. I have to still do that manually.

On Step 2 of the facebook connect procedure you have the regular login via joomla and then the rest of the facebook connect procedure on that same page. It's very confusing and no need to have both there.

I do like how the user can choose his e-mail and username. Great job on that.
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Dear SourceCoast,

Thanks for the continued development of this component. Great job with the changes and bug fixes, but unfortunately, I can still not log out of my site once I am logged in with JFBConnect.

Give it a try to see if you are getting the same problem. My site is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="www.kumbooka.com">www.kumbooka.com

I uninstalled the component, the 2 plugins and the login module before reinstalling everything.

Send me an e-mail to <!-- e --><a href="This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need me to supply you with logon details to the backend etc.

Thanks again for the great component, it has made a massive difference to my site.

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Has anyone figured out this issue when creating a new user? We get this issue/error:

"This user has not yet confirmed his email address and account!
This user has not yet been approved by a moderator!"

I have even removed the requirement of validating the email address and still get this error. As of now, I bought JFBconnect yesterday and am not able to use it.

When checking the CB user database for the new created user that generated this error, no address information was ported over from FB.

Alos, for those od us that have the Virtuemart integrated, we should have the option to have the address information also ported into that table. For instance, in the JFBconnet component where you map the fields from FB to CB; add another colunm where we can also map the same information to the Viruemart tables.


Why also when I try to log out I get this message every time and the user remains logged in?

"You were successfully logged back in using your Facebook credentials"
Site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="www.ClosetMouse.com">www.ClosetMouse.com
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