× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon New sign-up with FB Connect throws 500_internal_server_error

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I upgraded to 3.1.2 and now when a new user comes to my site and signs up with facebook, I get a blank error page (500 internal server error message, in Chrome... totally blank page in FF & IE).

The fb connect popup works, and you can allow the site to post to wall, etc. The next page "Existing member or New member" comes up ok, but when you enter new member name and password to register the next page throws the error.

In each case, the new member account does actually take (once you refresh the screen), despite the internal error 'screen of death', but you get a site error message of "Unable to save user. Please try again and ensure that your username and email address are not already taken.", although the avatar does not import.

To test, I deleted my test user from Joomla 'user manager' and JFB's 'user map', double-checked the database to make sure gone, cleared site cache, cleared browser cache, signed out of FB, closed & reopened browser, tried different browsers, anything I could think of that might be a cookie or cache issue. After 4 tests I get same error.

Then I tested 4 more times with 4 brand new FB accounts, and I got the error when signing up 3 out of the 4. One worked (no error), and successfully imported the avatar as well as correctly redirecting to the JomSocial edit profile pg as I have set... for the life of me I don't know how or why the one that worked was any different.

Argh - discouraged! Thanks for looking into this.
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I just uninstalled and reinstalled the component and plugins. Still no joy.

And it occurs to me that the error message "Unable to save user. Please try again and ensure that your username and email address are not already taken.", on manually refreshing the page after the error/timeout, really might not be of any help since it just corroborates the idea that the profile is actually saving correctly (the refresh then just tries to resubmit the data already successfully stored).

I read some similar posts regarding memory issues, and I don't think that's it. It's a vps so I can have my way with php.ini, and I've had memory_limit is set to 512MB (only 16 is really required for jomsocial, etc.).

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Support Specialist
For starters, whenever you see a 'white page error', that's almost always due to a PHP error on the page. Please enable error reporting, and let us know what the specific error is:

As for possible solutions before you go through that, can you tell me what version of JFBConnect you upgraded from? Also, if you've installed the profile plugins, ensure that you've only enabled the ones you need (if you don't have K2 installed, don't enable the K2 profile plugin, etc).

Let us know what you find, and we'll help you get to the bottom of the problem.
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Yay... I set display_errors to on in php.ini and got some valuable messages on the white screen of death... some fatal errors regarding ImageMagick and not finding some helper file in the community (jomsocial) directory.

A good clue, so I removed the data in "(optional) path to image magick" in jomsocial config (which probably just defaults image handling back to the gd tools, I guess). So it must have been an issue with imagemagick failing to handle the FB avatar import correctly. Curiously, when I had imagemagick installed on the server (jomsocial recommends it if possible, but not required) it seems to have been working fine for all the other image handling on the site.

Thanks for the tip on error reporting... I"m just learning some of this stuff. Can you tell me... is it ok to leave display_errors on? Or do I remember right that that's not recommended for security reasons?

On a slightly different note... I also have Kunena installed on this site. Do I have to install that plugin?

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Support Specialist
You shouldn't leave display_errors on for multiple reasons. One is for security, because when there is a warning/error, it displays the full path to the file. With that knowledge, a hacker has a little more knowledge about your system, and less is better. It's not a direct security threat by itself though.

More importantly, in my opinion, is that display_errors will also show warnings and notices inline in your website. This can happen on any page and from any module. Though a good extension shouldn't have any warnings normally, they do happen in certain situations, and you may not know where.. so one page of your site could look hideous because of the warnings/notices, and you'd never know.

So, general rule, turn off display_errors unless you're actually looking to find errors or debugging other types of stuff.

Finally, regarding Kunena, nope. Don't enable it unless you want the user's profile imported into Kunena. If you're using Kunena to pull info from JomSocial, that's great, and our plugin isn't necessary.

Hope that all helps, and good luck!
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Ok - thanks for all the info, Alex.

Great support!
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Support Specialist
It's what we do. Glad we could help, and thanks for subscribing.

If you use JFBConnect, and would like to leave a rating or review on the JED, we'd appreciate it!
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