× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon Facebook login failure in both IE7 and IE8

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Hi there.

This is the second time I have posted, I may have missed the response to my first posting, or it may have been missed.

I am using JFBConnect on the following site, which is waiting on this bug-fix for go-live.


In IE7 on XP on Parallels I get no response to clicking the "Connect to Facebook" Button.
In IE8 on XP on Parallels I get the following error:
Line: 24
Character: 2641
Code: 0
Error Message: Class not registered

URL: connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js

Could you look, attempt to replicate and advise? I could send login details by PM if necessary.
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Support Specialist
13 years 6 months ago #5737 by alzander
Your response is at the post below. Please choose one thread or the other to continue the discussion so it doesn't get too fragmented:

We have not tested in IE7 or IE8 on WinXP, only with Windows 7. We'll try to test with WinXP later today, but we haven't heard of any other users with this issue yet, so it seems localized to your site. We'll continue investigating.
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Support Specialist
13 years 6 months ago #5739 by alzander
Let's keep the discussion here, actually, since the other thread was by a different user and your current problem really isn't related to it.

Some other questions:
* Do you see the same Javascript error on this or our demo site? We're using a completely unmodified version of JFBConnect 3.0.2, so it should be the same.
* Can you try a different template (preferrably rhuk_milkyway) to test with? Many templates have poor javascript which throw errors and can prevent Facebook Connect from functioning properly. I'm not seeing any of these errors, but again, your problem is unique.
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13 years 6 months ago #5747 by fb_601150507
"Let's keep the discussion here, actually, since the other thread was by a different user and your current problem really isn't related to it."

Agreed, this was how you responded on the other thread.

Re: "login with facebook" doesn't work on most of IE browsers

We agree, the system plugin should have been called out more. Again, it was a late addition to 3.0.2, but it's been tested enough over the last month. It will be on the JFBC Overview page in the next release, and we just added it to the configuration guide that it should be enabled in the "Enable Plugins" section.

As for your current issues, in IE8 or IE7, I'm not seeing the Javascript errors you mention. As for this being a beta release, it's definitely not. 3.0.2 has been out for over a month now, had 2 RC releases ahead of time, and 2 very minor bug-fix releases after it went to 3.0.0 release. The Javascript error you mention above is actually referencing Facebook's javascript library (all.js), which Facebook is at liberty to change whenever they want. It's possible (and has happened many times in the past) that they pushed an update to their library that caused a conflict. Since we don't see it now, they also may have fixed it quickly. When they do push a conflict in their Javascript, we work very fast to fix it, which was part of the purpose of the 3.0.2 release, which was released within 12 hours of a Facebook API platform update which caused issues for JFBConnect users.

Again, we can't see that error in IE7 or IE8 and don't see any errors in Chrome either. Didn't test other browsers, but let us know if you're still having issues. We tested the login button to the point of allowing your application. We didn't not login, as we don't like creating users on everyone's site unless they want further debugging help.

Keep us posted on your status!"

OK, I still have the same problem, and am at a bit of a loss as to what to do. The variables are as you say, XP vs Windows 7, with a potential virtualisation problem, alongside the problem of a Facebook API change.

My opinion, unsurprisingly, is that it is reasonable to ask you to support IE on XP, because many many people browse that way. I see your side of things, in that how do we know this is a general issue? Since this is a paid product I would ask you to help me determine that. So do you have a plan for attempting to reproduce the bug in XP?
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Support Specialist
13 years 6 months ago #5749 by alzander
Absolutely. We do completely support IE under Windows XP, and never tried to state above that we don't. For each release version, we have an automated suite of tests that runs under IE6, IE7, and IE8 as well as other browsers. This is in addition to testing of multiple browsers on Windows 7 and Mac OSX. The only OS we do not currently (or plan to) run any tests on is Vista. We do not do any testing in a virtualized environment. Guaranteeing support for all virtualized environments would be impossible as it would exponentially increase our testing. We don't see any reason why virtualization would cause your issue though.

I've attached 2 shots below of your site with the proper login box coming up in IE6 and IE7. This is under Windows XP. Again, I didn't try to progress past this point, as it seems that this is farther than you are getting. As you can see, in the bottom left of the status bar, there is no Javascript Error icon. From our testing, there does not appear to be any issues with your site.
File Attachment:

File Attachment:

We did not test IE8 under Windows XP, but have tried it quite a bit under Windows7. If you would like a screenshot of IE8 in WinXP, we will gladly do that.

Above, we asked the following questions. Can you try to answer them (we also added more). These will help us to continue debugging your issue. Without them, we're at a standstill:
* Do you see the same Javascript error on this page or our demo site? We're using a completely unmodified version of JFBConnect 3.0.2, so it should be the same.
* Can you try a different template (preferrably rhuk_milkyway) to test with? Many templates have poor javascript which throw errors and can prevent Facebook Connect from functioning properly. I'm not seeing any of these errors, but again, your problem is unique.
* Do you have Javascript enabled in IE? This is under Tools->Internet Options->Advanced
* Could there be some other add-on, virus scanner, or other protection mechanism that could be preventing the Facebook Javascript library from loading?
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13 years 6 months ago #5762 by fb_601150507
OK thanks, lost track of the questions. Answers:

1) Not getting the error signing in to your site. In IE7 but getting the following in IE8:

Line: 24
Character: 2673
Code: 0
Error Message: Class not registered

URL: connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js
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13 years 6 months ago #5763 by fb_601150507
3) I am not seeing the option to enable or disable Javascript in Internet Options>Advanced in IE8. Only Options about Script debugging, which is disabled. Exactly the same for IE7.

2) The test on your site is the same as this, presumably you have no Javascript errors on your site...

4) I use the Morph framework from Joomla Junkie. You can see the documentation here:


I have disabled all Javascript from that template, as well as switching off Javascript packing. The button is still non-responsive in IE7 and produces the following error in IE8:

Line: 24
Character: 2673
Code: 0
Error Message: Class not registered

URL: connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js

I cannot think of anything else that is interfering.

That an error appears on your site may indicate a virtualisation issue.

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Support Specialist
13 years 6 months ago #5767 by alzander
Disabling Javascript actually looks to be in the Security Tab. Click "Custom Level" and scroll to the bottom. There's a "Scripting" area. My settings are (based off the "Internet Zone" default):
Active Scripting: Enable
Allow Programmatic Clipboard Access: Prompt
Allow Status Bar Updates Via Script: Disable
Allow Website to prompto for information using scripted windows: Disable
Enable XSS filter: Enable
Scripting of Java applets: Enable

Check if your settings are possibly different (or just ensure you're set to the "Internet Zone").

That's good (for debugging purposes) to hear it's not working on our site. What virtualization software are you using? We have VirtualBox set up, but there's also VMWare and Parallels. We obviously can't test them all, but will do what we can to help.

My assumption is that it's honestly a setting in your IE browser. Can you try another computer, even if it's virtualized (just not the same image)? We haven't heard of this issue with anyone else, and usually a top with a specific subject line like this one (doesn't work in IEx) would get others to chime in quickly if they had the same issue. That makes me think it's specific to your configuration... and I really don't understand how virtualization should cause any problems.

Thanks, and keep us posted!
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13 years 6 months ago #5776 by fb_601150507
Hi there

We are using Parallels, and I would tend to agree with your diagnosis, but I would like to make it less of a guess.

If you can reproduce the bug for IE 7 and 8 and Parallels, then that does narrow it down a bit. One Caveat is that I am using a simultaneous install of all IEs on my virtual xp, which may bear on things as well.

I am just about to go through the preferences you have outlined, and thanks, appreciate this.
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13 years 6 months ago #5777 by fb_601150507
I checked it out on another version of Parallels (v6). The issue disappeared for IE7 but persisted for IE8.

I think given that you have tested on most other platforms, this has to be a virtualisation issue, and I am confident to indicate this to the client, and that the site will function in 99.999% of usages.

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