Topic-icon new version 3.1 installation issue -- can not see it in Module Manager

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thank you for your check and reply!

I enabled Load Bootstrap a moment ago. the layout User Menu after logging-in was same. (Notes ; for every new test, I always cleaned up cache).
Even I also tried enabling Load JQeuiry, the same. Currently, it has both enabled now and you can see it. Top Menu this title word is still shown there, very strange.
I assumed, your css should be loaded if I enabled them as you suggested.

By the way, I need to has direct url address for log out somewhere, what is the url for Joomla 2.5 log out? Lots of forum mentioned this but no answer for Joomla 2.5 or later.
index.php? ...... it should be sth like this? If you know this, please let me know. thank you!!
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Active Subscriptions:

I will check with the tempalte provider for why that css file is so long.
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Support Specialist
I just logged in on your site. The drop-down menu looks great and the logout menu item works as I'd expect. When clicked, I'm immediately logged out.

I'm assuming everything in your last post is now fixed, but if you have any other questions regarding the posts above, just let me know.

Thanks again for your feedback and patience. I know you've run into a few issues with our SCLogin module, but you're helping to make it better by letting us know what's working well, and what isn't. Hopefully, it's not too much of a pain for you in the process :)

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