Topic-icon SCLogin don't show username and password

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5 years 8 months ago #64941 by mk
Hello guys,
as you can see in attachment, in my login form i do not have the words USERNAME and PASSWORD and not is possible write inside .

I tried to looking in the forum and i discovered that maybe the problem in in the css of my template but i don't have idea to fix the issue.
Can you help me please?
The web site is
Thanks in advance for reply.
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5 years 8 months ago #64942 by mk
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Support Specialist
5 years 8 months ago #64944 by alzander
You're correct that it's likely something in your template's CSS that's preventing those words from displaying. However, the only way for us to help is to look at the site and see what's going on. Can you provide a URL where we can see the incorrect behavior?

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5 years 8 months ago #64949 by mk
Thank you for reply me, ofi sure, the web site is
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Support Specialist
5 years 8 months ago #64951 by mel
Those two fields are getting font: inherit from your style which is what's causing the problem. If I set the following in dev tools, I can see the values and type in the input boxes.
.sclogin.sourcecoast input[type="text"]:not([class*="uk-"]),
.sclogin.sourcecoast input[type="password"]:not([class*="uk-"]) {

You can put that in your theme for SCLogin. I hope this helps.

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5 years 8 months ago #64953 by mk
Thank you for reply me.
where is it the code that you indicate me? i tried looking in :/httpdocs/modules/mod_sclogin/ but i don't found nothing :-(
Can you tell me the precise path, please?

Thank you very much.
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5 years 8 months ago #64954 by mk
Hi Melissa,
maybe i resolved.
In the path, /httpdocs/media/sourcecoast/themes/sclogin/default.css i replaced the code :

/* Vertical Layout */

.sclogin-joomla-login.vertical input#sclogin-username.input-block-level,
.sclogin-joomla-login.vertical input#sclogin-passwd.input-block-level {
width: 87% !important;

whit the code,

.sclogin.sourcecoast input[type="text"]:not([class*="uk-"]),
.sclogin.sourcecoast input[type="password"]:not([class*="uk-"]) {

I deleted the cache of browser and now work it!

Do I have to do something else?
Thank you fo your help :-)
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Support Specialist
5 years 8 months ago #64955 by mel
Yes, the above styles do need to go into a CSS file. If you're using the SourceCoast default theme, the file you mentioned is the correct place to put it. However, once you upgrade SCLogin any changes made to that file will be lost. To avoid this, we recommend making your own theme, following the instructions found here .

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5 years 8 months ago #64958 by mk
Thank you so much!

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Support Specialist
5 years 8 months ago #64960 by mel
Glad we could help. Let us know if you run into any other problems.

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