Topic-icon Issues with SCLogin Logout - EasySocial Profile Page

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I was having issues with SCLogin when trying to Logout on the EasySocial profile page. It would just refresh the page without logging out the user. I had Mark at Stackideas look at the problem and he found out that SCLogin was conflicting with the System - EasySocial plugin. He had to disable this plugin to get my site to work. This plugin enables com_users redirection.The only problem with disabling this plugin is that it redirects the user to the Joomla login page not the EasySocial login page which allows users to easily register through EasySocial. I am hoping you can fix this conflict. Thanks.

Mark asked me to pass this on to you:

"By the way, you should inform Alex that they should be "POST"-ing to
This will ensure that if anyone uses JFBC with EasySocial, they don't have to worry about people registering on the site via com_users."
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Support Specialist
We'll have to look further into that solution. If you would like to try and implement it now, you can make that change in the /modules/mod_sclogin/tmpl/logout.php file. In there, around line 41, you'll see:
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_users" />
 <input type="hidden" name="task" value="user.logout" />
Change that to:
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_easysocial" />
 <input type="hidden" name="controller" value="account" />
 <input type="hidden" name="task" value="logout" />
Let us know how that goes. If it works with the EasySocial plugin, we can investigate how to implement that code when the "Registration Component" in the SCLogin module is set to EasySocial in a future release.

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Thanks Alex. That worked.
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Support Specialist
8 years 3 months ago #56834 by mel
Thanks for confirming that this worked. I've added the issue to our tracker to address in the next release.

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