Topic-icon upgrade without losing CSS changes

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8 years 9 months ago #54280 by solraul

I am using this module in a project, which had been modified display styles, update the module to the new version and lost changes css he had done in, you could tell me how I can do to keep current the module without losing changes style you need to do the same.

Thanks greetings!
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Support Specialist
8 years 9 months ago #54282 by alzander
Please see our SCLogin Theme Guide . That should let you know how to properly create your own CSS theme or implement your own PHP template changes so that they won't be overwritten on upgrade.

I hope that helps,
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8 years 9 months ago #54296 by solraul
Hi, thanks for your response

According to what you comets I check the documentation and the problem that arises it is that the changes I made in the styles of the module, are css files that are in mysite/media/sourcecoast/css/ and even copy the default.css and Sourcecoast.css files to mysite/templates/mytemplate/html/mod_sclogin/themes/, as indicated in the documentation, to make an update anyway lose the changes I've made.

Any suggestions to solve the problem?

thanks greetings!
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Support Specialist
8 years 8 months ago #54302 by alzander
If you're updating a file in mysite/templates/mytemplate/html/mod_sclogin/themes/, there is no reason that upgrading would replace that file. Joomla only allows updating to replace files in our modules/mod_sclogin and the /media directory.

All I can say is to double check that the file in your template directory really was modified because, if it was, I'm not really sure how that would have happened.

Please let us know what you find,
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8 years 8 months ago #54310 by solraul
Hi Alex

Just the problem is there, the changes I made are in the css files in mysite / media / sourcecoast / css, for example in the file common.css modify the values of width and height of the size of the pop form access, then when the component is updated these files are overwritten.

thanks greetings!
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Support Specialist
8 years 8 months ago #54315 by mel
You should not be editing the css directly in our /media/sourcecoast/css folder. They will always be overwritten on installation of JFBConnect, as is the normal mechanism of Joomla and not something we can or will prevent.

You should be not be putting any CSS overrides or changes to the /media/sourcecoast/css/common.css file. You should be putting overrides to any styles defined in the common.css file in your template override folder at mysite/templates/mytemplate/html/mod_sclogin/themes/ in whatever theme you are using. In addition, the common.css file is always loaded out of the media folder as that's the baseline styles that SCLogin modifies and you shouldn't change those styles directly. Note, If you're just copying the file to the themes directory, a style from our common.css file would be used since that css file is loaded first before the css files in the themes subdirectories. You could need to add the !important tag to the style to get your change to take effect.
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