Topic-icon Open Graph Not working SCLogin still show Powered By JFBConnect while

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What is placed banner adverts on our site.
Please can i ask for a refund because i have uninstalled the only social login i have on that site and still you can not help me out of the situation. I don't think i will like to continue going front and back without any head way next week, if the purpose of buying the component can not be achieved i have no other option than ask for a refund, so i can go ahead and use the other one i had before now which even allow login from the four major social networking, Facbeook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google plus.
Pls can i have a refund, since it is obvious you can not assist, i offered to give you all the login details necessary to enable you login and help me resolve it but you have not said anything about it.
Can't go on these way any more.
Have a nice weekend
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Support Specialist
I'm sorry you couldn't find the extension adding the Open Graph tags. We did offer to accept credentials for your site, but we will not disable and diagnose other extensions. We simply don't know your site well enough, and if you're unsure where the extra Open Graph tags are coming from, it would be difficult for us to find it as well. Since they are appearing on every page of your site, I'm assuming it's a System Plugin that you've installed and enabled. I'd recommend going through your system plugins and seeing if any have social or open graph features.

If you uninstall JFBConnect, and run your page through the Facebook URL Debug tool , you'll see that it still shows Open Graph tags are being set. That will guarantee to you that something else is setting them. If you can't find the extension, I'm sorry. Again though, it's your site, and I don't know what you have installed and can't just uninstall extensions from your site for you.

If you'd like a refund, please use the Refund Request link at the bottom of every page. We'll gladly process it for you over the next few days.

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I have used the refund form to request for refund and i included the admin login details so you can access the site and see if you can help resolve the issue, if you can get it to work today there is no need to refund, but if not you can send my refund to the account i added.
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Support Specialist
Your request was received. I just tried to go to your site, but it's not working at all. I can't access the front-end or the admin area. When I do, I get a 404 error page.

Please let me know when it's up. We'll gladly look at your plugins to try to find the one that's adding the extra Open Graph tags and then go from there.

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It's up now, can you look at it and let me know if you are able to resolve it.
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Support Specialist
In sh404SEF, in the Configuration -> Social SEO section, you had the "Enable on All Pages" set to yes. That was re-adding the Open Graph tags on your page.

I've left it enabled, but you should disable that setting to prevent the conflicts that I've been noting above.

Once that's done, you should be able to use the Facebook URL Debug Tool to test that there are no errors on your page. Then, test the Facebook login functionality and begin testing the Open Graph Action features that you've been trying to configure.

I hope that helps,
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I have disabled the sh404sef and when i try but use facebook debugging the message below is what i saw.
Pls you have my permission to work on it, i just want it to work i logged in with the test account and posted on the joomsocial and read a blog but none showed up in the timeline. I really need your help to get it work. I am counting on you.

Scrape Information
Response Code 200
Fetched URL
Canonical URL
Open Graph Warnings That Should Be Fixed
og:image should be larger Provided og:image is not big enough. Please use an image that's at least 200x200 px. Image '' will be used instead.
Object Properties
fb:admins Array of length: 1
⍾ 100006628030839
fb:app_id 167349830136258
og:type website
og:title Hottest Gist is four in one website that has blog, forum, social networking and news in all spheres of life; like Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle and Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration, Business, Science and technology, Gossip, Culture, Politics, Religion and General News
og:locale en_gb
og:description Hottest Gist is four in one website that has blog, forum, social networking and news in all spheres of life; like Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle and Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration, Business, Science and technology, Gossip, Culture, Politics, Religion and General News
og:site_name Hottest Gist: #1 News, Blog, Forum and Social networking website
og:updated_time 1382465469
Raw Open Graph Document Information
Meta Tag <meta property="og:image" content="" />
Meta Tag <meta property="og:url" content="" />
Meta Tag <meta property="og:title" content="Hottest Gist is four in one website that has blog, forum, social networking and news in all spheres of life; like Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle and Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration, Business, Science and technology, Gossip, Culture, Politics, Religion and General News" />
Meta Tag <meta property="og:description" content="Hottest Gist is four in one website that has blog, forum, social networking and news in all spheres of life; like Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle and Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration, Business, Science and technology, Gossip, Culture, Politics, Religion and General News" />
Meta Tag <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
Meta Tag <meta property="fb:app_id" content="167349830136258" />
Meta Tag <meta property="og:locale" content="en_gb" />
Meta Tag <meta property="og:site_name" content="Hottest Gist: #1 News, Blog, Forum and Social networking website" />
Meta Tag <meta property="fb:admins" content="100006628030839" />
Redirect Path
Final URL is in bold (this is the URL we tried to extract metadata from).
Graph API
Scraped URL See exactly what our scraper sees for your URL
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Support Specialist
I got into your site and was able to setup the Image Upload action for JomSocial. I couldn't fully test because you haven't created the proper object/action settings in your Facebook App. Can you please follow the directions in the JomSocial Photo Upload Example and then test yourself to see if uploading an image posts to your activity log?

As for the warning message about the image size in the URL debugger, that's just a warning, and not anything that will cause an error.

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Active Subscriptions:

I have followed your instruction but can't really figure out how to do it, i have sent you my facebook login details via email so you can login and help me out.
I tried uploading photo but after uploading, this is the error i get "Sorry the system needs a proper id to process."
Pls can you look at the issues, i am counting on you.
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Support Specialist
We really can't setup every type of Open Graph Action on your site. There are many different types available and, for the $60 price, that doesn't include full on-site configuration. For more help with the Facebook side of things, please take screenshots of what you have configured or where you're getting stuck, and we can gladly help point out what may be wrong.

If you'd like a quote for full configuration of the features you want, please use our contact us form. Let us know exactly what features you want setup and we can provide a quote for doing that for you.

If you don't want to send screenshots, or feel it's going to be too difficult for you, just let me know, and we'll gladly proceed with your refund.

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