Topic-icon Multiple undefined property errors

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3 years 9 months ago #66577 by DoMeister
I'm having the same issue as

I reviewed the updates you have made to the config file so i see you have already applied a fix.
However I have the same issue.

Thanks DM
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Support Specialist
3 years 9 months ago #66578 by alzander
The previous post you reference is 3 years old. My guess is that, while you may be getting warning messages that seem similar to that post, the issue is actually unrelated.

Can you let us know what specific errors or warning messages you're getting and where you're seeing them? Once we understand the issue you're having, we'll gladly help investigate and fix it as quickly as we can.

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3 years 9 months ago #66579 by DoMeister
Thanks for your reply.
It happens when i enable the JFBCSystem plugin.

Notice: Undefined property: TableConfig::$params in ...config.php on line 35
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$loadBootstrap in ...jblance.php on line 91
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$fbApikey in ...showfront.php on line 34
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$fbAppsecret in ...showfront.php on line 35

These are from the register page named 'showfront' but it is throughout the application including the admin section.

Im happy to share URL if you PM me..

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Support Specialist
3 years 9 months ago #66581 by alzander
Melissa received your email with the conflicting component. We'll be testing and get back to you once we understand the issue further.

If there is any specific configuration you have setup in either JFBConnect or the other component that you think may be related to the PHP Notices, let us know to make sure we're able to recreate the problems.

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3 years 9 months ago - 3 years 9 months ago #66587 by DoMeister
Thanks Alex,
There is nothing specific i can recall. It has a FB login module but I have not activated this.
Looking forward to hearing back. Hoping its a simple clash at one point!

Thanks for the help
Last edit: 3 years 9 months ago by DoMeister.
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Support Specialist
3 years 9 months ago #66588 by mel
I've installed the component on a clean test site with JFBConnect and Freelance. However, I'm having a hard time trying to reproduce any warnings/errors. We've tried going to multiple Freelance menu items that were created and don't see the issue.

These are from the register page named 'showfront' but it is throughout the application including the admin section.

1. What component/ view/layout is the showfront page for? Can you provide the non-SEF url?
2. Which specific URLs of the admin section? We're not seeing errors in administrator either.
3. Does this happen when you attempt to login or are you already logged in?

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3 years 9 months ago - 3 years 9 months ago #66591 by DoMeister
Thanks, im confused now!
Adding some pics of the admin panel with "System - JFBCSystem" on and off

*** photo's didn't upload, here are links
plugin on

plugin off

I will also PM a link


*** please try with error reporting - maximum
Last edit: 3 years 9 months ago by DoMeister.
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Support Specialist
3 years 9 months ago #66593 by mel
Thanks for the screenshots. We were able to reproduce the problem on my test site. Can you try to reorder your system plugins so that the JFBConnect system plugin is above the Joombri plugins? This should work, but please verify that JFBConnect and Joombri Freelance work properly after reordering.

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3 years 9 months ago #66595 by DoMeister
I set the JB system plugins to the end of the 0 index and that worked...
I can't say that i understand it but provided it stays that way then all good.
Will this be impacted by component updates? Any information helpful...

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Support Specialist
3 years 9 months ago #66596 by alzander
It shouldn't be impacted by component updates. The reason it works is because we *used* to use a configuration file called TableConfig. That proved to be too generic, as you found, and conflicted with other extensions. We replaced that with the definitely-not-going-to-conflict-with-other-extensions TableJFBConnectConfig.

By loading our system plugin first, JFBConnect sets everything up using the proper table name. We had to leave the old file in there for some backward compatibility reasons (though likely can be stripped now).. but by loading ours first, it prevents your other extension from accidentally loading our generic TableConfig file.

That's long-winded, but in short, leave our plugin first.. you should be good to go now and in the future without worry. However, as Melissa said, just make sure you don't run into any other issues.

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