Topic-icon Not getting notification of new K2 Comments anymore

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Hi there,

I have stopped receiving notifications of new K2 Comments. The last one I got was on Nov 8. The two comments here

triggered no notification.

Our site has been hacked with tiny ad links at the very bottom (as you can see on the link above). Could this be related? Might it have something to do with old JFB plug-ins still being enabled on our site? If not, feel free to suggest how to get rid of the ad links anyway!

Best regards
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Support Specialist
8 years 8 months ago #55749 by alzander
I have no idea how the spam advertisements made it to the bottom of your page, and don't have a great solution as to how to get rid of them. If your site was hacked and someone was able to modify your template, or some other extension, to add those, they likely have full control to do anything they want on your site. You can start by scanning your files for the text in one of the links. Once found, try to remove it. However, as noted above, if they got in before, they'll be able to get in again.

You really need someone with a security / hacking background to investigate what happened to close the hole and repair the damage. Or, if you have backups, at least restore an old backup.. though, you'll still want to plug whatever hole is being used to add that.

As for the comment notifications, I don't see a direct reason why they wouldn't be sent. Unfortunately, the spam ad links are being inserted at the bottom of the HTML page *after* the closing </html> link. That's completely invalid syntax, so it's very likely that Facebook (or their Javascript or the JFBConnect Javascript) isn't able to parse the page properly and, therefore, the comment notification function isn't working.

I'd really suggest finding the advert issue as that could be causing, and lead to, a lot more issues if not resolved. When you get that fixed, if the comments still aren't working, let us know and it should be easy to figure that out.

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8 years 8 months ago #55752 by dageke
Thanks Alex,

I found the spam adverts the first place I looked, in index.php... I guess I have to take this up with the hosting firm, or what?

And good news, once the spam was removed, comment notifications started working again!

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Support Specialist
8 years 7 months ago #55755 by alzander
Glad to hear you found the location of the issue and that it resolved the comments. You'll definitely want to contact your host to help investigate where the security issue may have been coming from. Simply removing the code from the index.php file is likely to not last long.

All the best,
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8 years 7 months ago #55898 by dageke
Hello again,

I now get notifications only on and off, which is not a good situation. On Dec 4th I got notification of comments on this page

When I tested the site today, the notification worked. But for instance this page

has comments from the 2nd to the 7th of December, and I didnt't get notification of any of the 4 comments.

(same problem with this page

So system worked on the 4th and 9th, but not on the 5th and 7th...

I don't think this has anything to do with the original problem with spam links, because they have not reappeared since they were removed Nov 27.

Do you have any suggestions?

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Support Specialist
8 years 7 months ago #55902 by alzander
Not sure why it wouldn't work on those pages. I just left comments on 2847-partybaren-jubilerer . Did you get any notifications?

One thing to test is whether the "Publish to Facebook" checkbox needs to be enabled for the notification to come. I don't think it is required (or not), but that may help narrow things down.

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8 years 7 months ago #55903 by dageke

I didn't get any notification of your comment. I don't see your comment on the page either, by the way... Perhaps you deleted it?

When I tested the system today, I did not check the "Publish to Facebook" checkbox, and I still got the notification, so that is not the issue

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Support Specialist
8 years 7 months ago #55910 by alzander
I did delete the comment.

I just tested again and went through the Javascript that is called, both from Facebook and JFBConnect. Facebook *is* triggering our Javascript and notifying us of a new comment. Our Javascript then tries to hit the URL below, which triggers JFBConnect to send out the notification email:

For some reason, that URL is throwing a 500 error on your site and then redirecting to:

We haven't seen or heard of that error before. I also can't recreate on my own development system. Can you let me know if you have any SEF extensions on your site, or if you're using the built-in Joomla SEF URLs? I'd recommend testing the following either way:
* Turn off all SEF URLs
* Turn of all caching
* Go to your home page and navigate to an article (the URL will be different since it's non-SEF now)
* Try to comment
Let us know if that works as it will help narrow things down further.

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8 years 7 months ago #55916 by dageke

There is a plugin called System - SEF which is enabled

I have a component called Redirect. When I click on it, I get this error message:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 63965680 bytes) in /home/thailan/public_html/libraries/phputf8/mbstring/core.php on line 121

There is also a plugin called System - Redirect

There is no caching on the site. Regarding messing with the url's of the articles, that is something that is not very appealing, people link to these stories, this is a news magazine... Perhaps you can glean something from the information I have given you. If not, give a little bit more detailed information about how to "turn off SEF URL"

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8 years 7 months ago #55918 by dageke
...just to be sure, try again, and see if you still get the 500 error. The spam links appeared again in the index.php file for the second time. I have deleted them now, but perhaps that might explain the error.

Either way, there is still the mystery of how come the comments function works some days and some not. The spam links is not the explanation for that (since there were no spam links in that period).
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