× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon jFBConnect and Jomsocial "My Status"

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13 years 1 month ago #8517 by bobmeetin
Alex, perhaps you think I disappeared, it's been so long, but not so fast. My attention got diverted and now I'm just getting back to testing again. I downloaded the new component, 3.1.2, and the most recent versions of all modules and plugins.

It does indeed appear that when I log into www.jtest.us it is importing the most recent Facebook comment into the status. This is great!

Now the one million dollar question, should the most recent jomsocial comment get posted to Facebook?
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Support Specialist
13 years 1 month ago #8523 by alzander
Answer is no, not yet.

We wanted to get this ability into our JomSocial profile plugin, but it's impossible to do that 'the right way'. Instead, we're planning to add a new JomSocial 'application' plugin in the future which will allow posting of multiple things back to Facebook.. this will be things like status updates, group joinings or posting, events, etc. Once the first 'push' feature is created, the rest should be very simple to do, as JomSocial has a good way to 'hook' into these types of events (anything that goes int the activity stream, actually).. so when we get it going, it should be able to be pretty flexible.

However, it's not available yet, and won't be with the 3.2 release either. We're going to target it as a feature release for after 3.2 though.

Hope that helps explain, and hope it's an ok solution, even though it's not available yet. As always, feedback is welcome. Glad you like the initial pulling of status so far!
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13 years 1 month ago #8527 by bobmeetin
Hey, I'm not above doing things the wrong way if there is no other way. Harumph! If it weren't for the wrong way, politics wouldn't exist.

So you know I won't let you off with a general answer. Can you provide an ETA, something I can feed to the wolves?
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13 years 1 month ago #8535 by bobmeetin
Alex, I just reconfirmed with my client. For the purposes of her website she doesn't want to auto-import the most recent Facebook comment because undoubtedly most Facebook comments will be out of context with the site social purpose. However she does want to be able to push to Facebook.

Are you planning to set up the functionality so that you can enable/disable the push in either direction? What she said makes perfect sense.
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Support Specialist
13 years 1 month ago #8549 by alzander
Yes, that's definitely planned. The best I can say right now is late April. After the 3.2 release (which is in testing now for release), we'll be focusing on a Joomla 1.6 compatible release. On the side, we'll be working on the JomSocial plugin as well as a few other non-core things, mainly with profile plugins. It is one of our highest priorities, outside of 1.6 compatibility, but I just can't pin-down the timeline right now.

Hope that, sorta, helps.
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13 years 1 month ago #8552 by bobmeetin
Just to be clear, you do mean the ability to push to Facebook and disable import from Facebook if that is the wish?
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Support Specialist
13 years 1 month ago #8557 by alzander
Yeah, the'll definitely be discreet options so you can enable one and disable the other. We try not to go overboard with options (though 3.2 adds about 1000), but in this case, we agree that more flexibility is good.
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12 years 11 months ago #10292 by bobmeetin
Alex, I have been remiss for a couple months, not totally off the planet but close. I just downloaded the latest version of JFBConnect 3.2 with all the new modules and plugins. Installed them on www.joomlatest.us. I see there is a new menu option called Social which addresses importing status/wall messages from Facebook. Left enabled it imports fine, if disabled it works fine - Jolly good show!

Going the other direction we were talking about posting the last jomsocial My Status to Facebook. I made this change.

Configuration --> Status / Wall --> Enable Status Updates: --> Yes

Is that the one to make this work? I ask because I added a My Status comment but didn't see it post to Facebook.
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Support Specialist
12 years 11 months ago #10334 by alzander
Nope, not done yet. I apologize for the delay, but the 'other direction' of posting to Facebook hasn't been completed yet. We still have the intent to get a more robust JomSocial application, but unfortunately have been focused on a few other things lately. We recently got the Joomla 1.6 version out and JFBConnect was recently implemented on the Joomla Extension Directory itself, which was huge for us.

Right now, we're focusing on updating the JomSocial plugin with pulling in 'better' status (if you're interested/have feedback, check out this post) as well as adding profile type support. Additionally, we're working on a VirtueMart profile plugin. Once done (late this week/early next), the JomSocial stuff is likely next on our plate.

Hope this helps explain our situation, and sorry for the delays again.
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12 years 11 months ago #10729 by bobmeetin
Alex, any chance you have a window on when this might happen?
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