Topic-icon [9.0.244 Issues] JFBC Social Registration page & Bootstrap

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Hi guys,
last Joomla 4 + JFBC 9.0.244 > about the Social  Registration page
Small issues I suppose due to the old Bootstrap cleanup code:

1 - Please, Can you consider to apply a Block Button to the Login and Register ones (a d-grid and maybe a gap classes on Bootstrap 5.x) ? At least to the vertical view (I do not know how is built the horizontal one)

2 - The Privacy and Terms links are forced to be Bold by JFBC, while they should just inherit the default template settings (to have the same layout as for the standard Joomla Registration page)
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Support Specialist
9 months 20 hours ago - 9 months 20 hours ago #68750 by mel
1. I'll add an issue to our tracker. This would probably be a new option for the register/login button type instead of just replacing the current button option. Not sure if it'll make it into the next release or not, but it would be simple to add.

2. The bold style is coming from the dl,dt,dd element tags. The Joomla 4 registration now uses divs, so it would be more consistent to switch the tag type to div. That should be relatively simple, just need to test it.

Last edit: 9 months 20 hours ago by mel.
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Hi Mel,

1 - Okay, thank you. Anyway I suggested to change it by default and to don't create another setting because:
- trying to keep the setting as simpler as possible
- because on the vertical layout you are applying col-3 (if I remember well)  to show the fields. So the button will never be "too big"

2 - Sorry, I bad expressed myself. It is not only a bold issue, but, as far as I see (I'm not sure because I cannot check right now) it is overwriting the Joomla Article Title (H1) Template settings... while the article shown into the modal it should maintain all the template definitions...
Please, Can you confirm ?
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Support Specialist
8 months 3 weeks ago - 8 months 3 weeks ago #68775 by mel
1. No, we don't add col-3 by default. If I put this in as the default behavior, the buttons will go from regular sized buttons to stretched with not an easy way to turn it off. A lot of users will not want that as a default, so I'm going to add it as an option. [Edited to add] I'm going to add it in the style tab for a css class for the div around the buttons. 

2. I understand your point. This is still in progress and I will compare the elements of com_users and our view as a whole as I'm implementing it.
Last edit: 8 months 3 weeks ago by mel.
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Hi Mel,

1 - ...where we'll can add the d-grid class for a block button, Right ?

2 - Thank you, I remain available...
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Support Specialist
8 months 1 week ago #68785 by mel
1. Yes, you'll just add d-grid to the new setting. I've added the CSS class setting to both JFBConnect config area and also to the SCLogin config area.

2. After reviewing my changes for this issue, I wanted to point out that the modal that pops up the terms of service is generated by Joomla, not by JFBConnect. We do not have control over its contents.
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Hi Mel,

1 - Thank you

2 - Please, Can you address me to the file is generating it in Joomla, so I can take a look and report it to Joomla GitHub
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