Topic-icon [9.0.244 issues] JFBC Login/Registration page workflow

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9 months 2 weeks ago - 9 months 2 weeks ago #68672 by joomleb
Hi guys, 
with last Joomla 4.3.4 + JFBC 9.0.244 + SCLogin, Users during Login and/or Registration can click on Social Icons.
If a user click on JFBC Social Icons, he is redirected to the JFBC Social Login/Registration Page that has two parts: 

A - Registration
when a User is not yet registered, here he can fill the empty Registration form fields and complete the Registration. His account will be automatically created and connected with that Social. 
Now, being that still there isn't a Registration option setting for this (if you want to help, here the Joomla GitHub ticket #37566 ), with settings:
​​- SCLogin > Login View Settings > Registration Component: Custom

​​​​​​- SCLogin > Login View Settings > Custom Registration Link: the Joomla Registration menu item

When the User will click on "Register", Where will he be redirected ?
  • to the site home page ?
  • to the fixed standard Joomla default Registration page …/components/com_users/view/registration/tmpl/complete.php ?
  • OR, Will it follow the …/components/com_users/src/Controller/RegistrationController.php file (lines 233 / 242) ?
 B - Login
when a User is yet registered, here he can fill the Login form and Login. His account will be automatically connected with that Social.
When Logged, he will be redirected to the
"SCLogin > Login View Settings > Joomla Login Redirection URL: ..."  
Am I Right ?

Now, I set it as "Same Page", a very good choice being that SCLogin module will be on all pages.
But, What should happen here in the JFBC Social Login/Registration Page clicking on the Login button ?
Will it follows the Joomla settings ?:
  • Login Form menu item > Options > Choose Login Redirect Type: …
  • Login Form menu item > Options > Menu Item Login Redirect: …
If not, Please, Where can we manually change this redirection ? Would be good to add a configuration setting for this ?!?
Last edit: 9 months 2 weeks ago by joomleb.
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Support Specialist
There is a setting for New User Redirection and Returning User Redirection that should be used in both of the cases above.

If you set the option to "Same Page" it will return them to the page the originally clicked on the social login button to login with.. so if they are reading an article, decide to login with Facebook and then have to create an account, once they do, they should go back tot he original article.

I hope that helps, but if you configure things and see different behavior, please let us know.

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