Topic-icon [9.0.244 Bug] Social Registration page CAPTCHA

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9 months 1 week ago #68706 by joomleb
Hi Mel,
just to be sure to have these settings into the Joomla Plugins > Captcha type > Captcha - Aimy Captcha-Less Form Guard:
- Minimum Fill Out Time: On
- Minimum Time (in seconds): 7 (or the seconds you want)
- Hint: Countdown 
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Support Specialist
9 months 1 week ago #68707 by mel
Ah, the countdown feature is not available in the free version. Unless you can send FTP access to your site via Contact Us, I won't be able to look at it.
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Active Subscriptions:

9 months 1 week ago #68709 by joomleb
I sent you an email on October 10th.
I'm going to resend it right now....
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Support Specialist
9 months 1 week ago #68710 by mel
So the issue with that particular plugin is that it tries to update a button element to set the text on. We have an input element as the Register button. The javascript that it's calling does not work on an input.

You can temporarily make a template override for components/com_jfbconnect/views/loginregister/tmpl/default.php
<input type="submit" class="btn validate <?php echo $this->configModel->get('registration_registerbutton_class', 'btn-secondary');?>" value="<?php echo Text::_('COM_JFBCONNECT_REGISTER') ?>" />

<button type="submit" class="btn validate <?php echo $this->configModel->get('registration_registerbutton_class', 'btn-secondary');?>"><?php echo Text::_('COM_JFBCONNECT_REGISTER') ?></button>

I don't think it would be a huge deal to change the element type in the next release. It's more consistent with com_users, but may break some styling.

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