The newest version of JFBConnect is out now and is all about tighter integration between your site and Facebook. We get tons of feedback about what our user's are looking for and are very excited about the new features that we're delivering with this release including Facebook Page Tab integration, "Reveal Page" support, Canvas Apps, full K2 integration, customizeable usernames and tons of other minor improvements and bug-fixes.
Facebook Page Integration: Have a Facebook Page that you're looking to spruce up and take control over? Now you can with the ease of Joomla. With a few clicks, show your site in your Facebook page. For full customization, you can select a custom template for use with your Facebook Page to customize it to your Page's layout.
Get More Likes Using a Facebook Reveal Page: In addition to showing your site in Facebook, you can show a custom article page to user's who haven't Like'd your FB Page yet. This is a great way to get user's to Like your page, by providing incentive's to Like the page. For a demo:
See the new SourceCoast Facebook Page
Facebook Canvas Support: Show your whole site inside a Facebook application page. Great for a wider canvas to work with, while still getting the bonus of being seen inside a Facebook window which broaden's your site's appeal.
Full K2 Integration: After we added automatic Like & Comment support for standard Joomla articles, we got a ton of requests for the same support in K2. This release delivers! Now you can set which K2 categories, or specific articles the Likes & Comments should show up on. Additonally, you can set the look and feel, email notification preferences, and Open Graph tags with the same ease as previous JFBConnect releases.
Customizeable Auto-Usernames: For those sites using the automatic user generation (the Facebook User Only setting), you'll now be able to select from a username scheme of either fb_12345 (the Facebook user's ID), john.smith123 (first.lastYYY), or johsmi123 (first 3 letters of first and last name, followed by unique ID). This will allow the ease of registration of the automatic user creation, with a more personal touch for look of your site
Much, Much More: In addition to the above, there's tons of new features, like improved Open Graph integration, new user redirection settings, improved notification emails for Likes & Comments, and a lot of other nice touches.
Interested in learning more? See the Facebook For Joomla home page!