Topic-icon Help with SCLogin CSS Styling for "Forgot Username and/or Password"

Support Specialist
Ahhh.. on the same page, you can run into that styling issue. With CSS files, they load in order and whichever is first 'wins'. Since the classes in each SCLogin module are the same, the first stylesheet loaded can apply to both.

One thing you can do is use the Moduleclass Suffix option in the SCLogin Advanced parameters setting. Do something like " sidebar-login" (including the space at the beginning, but not the quotes). Then, if you look in the HTML on the page, you should see a div like:
<div class="module sidebar-login">
That relies a bit on your template to render the Suffix properly. If it works though, you can go into the custom SCLogin theme you created and prefix all elements with:
.module.sidebarlogin ...
It may take some time, but it's a way to set a theme for a specific module when there are multiples on a page.

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Thanks for explaining, Alex. Now I understand why it is happening and I will try to do it the way you suggested it as soon as I catch somt time.
Thanks again for your help!

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Support Specialist
Glad to be of assistance. If you need anything else, please let us know.

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