Topic-icon Fatal error on execution of the component

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This is a different error than was listed in the other thread, so I thought it best to start my own.

The component installs fine, but when I try to run it, I get the following error:

Fatal error: Class 'VersionVerificationToolControllerHome' not found in /nfs/users/xxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/administrator/components/com_versionverificationtool/admin.versionverificationtool.php on line 12
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14 years 2 months ago #3111 by yolabingo
The error occurs in 'admin.versionverificationtool.php, line 12:
 10         require_once('controller.php');
 12         $controller = new VersionVerificationToolControllerHome();

The class 'VersionVerificationToolControllerHome' is defined in controller.php, but it's obviously not getting loaded. Change line 10 to:

This appears to be the proper Joomla way to include this file.
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14 years 2 months ago #3152 by cmsmarket
That's odd. It works on my sites. I wonder if it's because I have . in the PATH and possibly you do not?

Either way, thanks for the fix, yolabingo!

ken, can you confirm that this fixes your issue? If so, I will update the code and put out another version.

Thank you both for helping!
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Yes, that did indeed fix the issue.

And given that it's the full path, I wouldn't think the . would be necessary, but perhaps it is. Since this is a live site, I'm somewhat reluctant to test it. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->

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14 years 2 months ago #3154 by cmsmarket
I actually meant that the PHP include_path had . in it (meaning the current directory). If I go to Help -> System Info and look on the PHP Information tab, I see this:
include_path	.&#58;

I'm guessing that is why it works on my server.

Either way, I want to change the code so it works for everyone. I modified the code and I'm packaging version 1.3 and will have it up shortly.

Thanks for finding and helping fix the issue!
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14 years 2 months ago #3160 by cmsmarket
I just uploaded version 1.3. If you have some time, can you get it and make sure everything works properly on your system?

Thanks again for all the help.
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14 years 2 months ago #3216 by yolabingo
While debugging this, I confirmed that "." was in the path. However, PHP considered the current working directory to be elsewhere (I think it was "administrator/"). Since there was a file named "controller.php" in that directory, it would happily load that file and proceed.

We used this component on numerous sites, and saw this problem on about 1/5 of them. I suspect that the loading of another component played a role. This change does fix it in any case, and seems like a good disambiguation that is used by most other Joomla components.
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14 years 2 months ago #3228 by cmsmarket
Sounds good. Thanks for helping us fix it for others. If you have any other feedback, we're always listening.
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