Topic-icon SCLogin Popup Module not showing orderly

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2 years 11 months ago #67260 by quasarti
I enable this module, but cant see the username and password fields, just the pretext and "SCLogin" icon.
It's enabled the "jQuery Load" feature, appearing as a Popup window and the template is "sourcecoast".
My website is
The login is in "Identificarse" text at top left corner of the website.
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Support Specialist
2 years 11 months ago #67261 by alzander
It sounds like you have a template override or something else interfering with the standard SCLogin output on your site.

Can you check if the following directory exists: /templates/<YOUR_TEMPLATE>/html/mod_sclogin

If so, try renaming it to mod_sclogin_old and then test again. If that works, it means the overrides in that directory are outputting incorrect content.

I hope that helps, but if you continue to have issues, just let me know!

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2 years 11 months ago #67262 by quasarti
Hi! thanks for your reply.
It doesn't exists any folder with that name inside "html".
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Support Specialist
2 years 11 months ago #67263 by alzander
There's something, somewhere on your server that is overriding the normal output of the SCLogin module. I'm unsure what, but 'asdasd' seems like some test typing that someone typed to see if it would output on the screen.

That text is not anywhere in our module, which is why I recommended you look for a template override.

Beyond that, I'm unsure where that text would be coming from. Has the sclogin module ever worked for you or did you just install it for the first time?

Any details you can provide will help us narrow down things further.

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