Topic-icon Apply with LinkedIn not working in Internet Explorer...

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Dear Sir,

I am using the Apply with LinkedIn module. It works fine using Firefox, but doesn't work in Internet Explorer :-(

In Firefox, i click on it, I can sign in to LinkedIn and see my profile and I can apply to the job
In Internet Explorer i click on "apply with LinkedIn", I can sign in, but after that nothing happens ...

What can I do to get it working in Internet Explorer? The website is: you can find
one of the modules on:

Thank you very much in advance for your reply. If you need any more information, please let me know.

Best regards,
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Support Specialist
Sorry for the delay. I'm not sure why that's happening in IE. I've done some investigation, and it appears you're not the only one with this issue. There are multiple reports in the LinkedIn developer area about this happening, but there's not a perfect fix for everyone.

The best I can recommend for now is to try the following change in the /plugins/system/jlinkedsystem/jlinkedsystem.php file. Around line 94, you'll see:
$inJS = '<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>' . "\n";
Update that by adding https, like below:
$inJS = '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>' . "\n";
Try that. If it doesn't work, even try with http (no s) and see if that improves things.

It's not guaranteed to work, but that's been stated by a few users to fix things up. If not, let us know, and we'll investigate further.

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10 years 5 months ago - 10 years 5 months ago #39653 by TamaraDB
Dear Alex,

Thank your for your reply. I have changed line 94 in the jlinkedsystem.php file, but unfortunately it doesn't help :-(
I have tried both the http: and the https: options. Tested it on Internet Explorer 11 and 9.

Is there something else I can trie? Thanks!

Best regards,
Last edit: 10 years 5 months ago by TamaraDB.
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