× Joomla LinkedIn support forum

Topic-icon Do we need the "name" field in registration?

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12 years 5 months ago #16842 by joeadl
Awesome component, we're loving it!

1. Do we need the "name" field in registration if we are already importing the field? I understand that some fields LinkedIn won't allow to be imported, but it doesn't seem this is one of them.

If this is the case, can I just edit this field out from the template? Or will there be side-effects?

2. Is there any way to invoke the avatar during the registration process (in the same way we invoke the name)? e.g.
echo $this->liProfile->get('first-name')

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Support Specialist
12 years 5 months ago #16849 by alzander
I'm so excited! I have good answers for both of those questions, instead of telling you to wait.. for once :)

Just to make sure, this is all JLinked related.. not JFBConnect (it's in the JFBC forums). No worries, just want to make sure.
1) First, make a template override if you don't have one. Then, you shouldn't delete the field, but change it's type to hidden and remove the class. So:
<div class="label name"><label><?php echo JText::_('COM_JLINKED_REG_NAME') ?></label></div><input type="text" class="inputbox required" id="name" name="name" value="<?php echo $this->memberName;?>" size="20" /><br/>
Should become:
<input type="hidden" id="name" name="name" value="<?php echo $this->memberName;?>" /><br/>

2) With the following code, you should be able to get the URL of the avatar:
$jlinkedLibrary = JLinkedApiLibrary::getInstance();
$data = $jlinkedLibrary->api('profile', '~:(picture-url)');
$avatarUrl = $data->get('picture-url');
The $avatarURL will be just that, a URL. You'll need to wrap it in an img tag.

2 additional comments:
1) I love the idea of adding the image to the login/register page. No clue why that's never been recommended, or we've never thought of it. That page isn't the prettiest, and could use some sprucing up.. added to our list! (It's a long list)
2) I know you were asking about pre-filling and showing user info with JFBConnect earlier. With JLinked, it actually would be a bit easier (still a chunk of code, but do-able). If you're interested in doing it there, at least, for now, just let ne know. JLinked has an improved profile handler, which will be implemented in JFBConnect in 4.2

Very glad to hear you're happy with our extensions. When you get all setup, we'd love it if you'd consider leaving a review on the Joomla Extension Directory for JFBConnect or JLinked.

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12 years 5 months ago #16855 by joeadl
Yes, def a Jlinked issue - sorry i think i left it on the wrong forum (if you like i can reopen this thread on jlinked).

That's great news. Thanks for the great response as always, very happy this exists and will play with it.

(and will also leave feedback on the extension directory shortly).
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12 years 4 months ago #16860 by joeadl
Works great. And yes, I would LOVE to prefill the fields in JLinked/make them editable upon signup. If there is a way to do it, please let me know. Thanks!
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12 years 4 months ago #17075 by joeadl
So is there any way to prefill fields in Jlinked? Thanks!
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Support Specialist
12 years 4 months ago #17107 by alzander
First - I'm moving this to the JLinked 1.5 Support area right after I post this, so look there for this thread..

I'm going to email you a replacement /plugins/jlinkedprofiles/jomsocial.php file. This -should- show all JomSocial fields and pre-fill any that you already have mapped. Then, if the user changes the fields, it will save those values.

This was quickly tested, and we learned a lot of little improvements we could make to our Profile class to make things like this simpler in the future. Eventually, this should add overall flexibility to the profile import capabilities in JLinked and JFBConnect.

As always, please test, and let us know any feedback you may have. It's very likely something will break, but we're almost there now and should be able to fix anything up quickly.

Thanks for your patience and support,
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Support Specialist
12 years 4 months ago #17108 by alzander
File sent. Not sure what other changes you've made the the jomsocial.php file (I think you at least removed line-breaks between fields), but you'll need to merge those changes into the new file.

If you run into any issues, you know where to find us :D

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12 years 4 months ago #17144 by joeadl
Looks great so far. Will test it over the next day or two and let you know if we find any issues, but so far it is excellent! Thanks!
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Support Specialist
12 years 4 months ago #17160 by alzander
Glad to hear it. Keep us posted.

I know you're running into a lot of "would like to haves" with our profile integration, and we really do appreciate all the feedback. This will definitely help us and others in the next release of JLinked (Jan/Feb timeframe) as we'll be focusing heavily on improvements there. Then, those changes will also make it into the 4.2 release of JFBC a month or so after that. Just want to let you know how we appreciate it and that this won't all get lost in the next version.

Thanks again,
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