Topic-icon Want to display linkedin button on another page

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I have configured jfbconnect for linkedin login. Currently it is displaying linkedin button on login popup . I want to display that button on register button. Is it possible to do?
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #47283 by alzander
Sure! You can add the following tag anywhere you want just the LinkedIn button to display:
{JFBCLogin provider=linkedin}
There's more options you can use as well to use a custom image or other options, but that's the easiest way to do specifically what you're looking for.

I hope that helps, but if I misunderstood or you're looking for something else, just let me know.

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9 years 7 months ago #47561 by Alex5678

Thanks that worked !!!
But I want the exact functionality which currently linkedin button is having , on my custom popup on register button.
The code you gave, just shows the linkedin button in that popup. Is it possible to have that functionality on register button popup ?
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #47566 by alzander
Can you point me to a page or provide an image of what you're trying to do? I don't understand what extra functionality you're looking for or what your custom register popup button is and how it's different.

Sorry for the confusion. Once we understand a bit more, we'll gladly help however we can.

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9 years 7 months ago #47587 by Alex5678
currently you can check following url -
When you click on register button..a popup window will open .In that I have linkedin button .I want same functionality of linkedin button as currently it have on login popup.
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #47619 by alzander
Thanks for explaining. Can you tell me what happens when you add the {JFBCLogin provider=linkedin} tag to the custom popup? I'm unsure why that isn't working for you. If the raw tag is showing or the button isn't working when you do so, just let me know so we can help narrow down what's wrong and get you going.

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