Topic-icon User is trown out directly after login with JFBC google

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9 years 9 months ago - 9 years 9 months ago #45985 by jwvr
User is trown out directly after login with JFBC google -> facebook and linkedin, Twiiter is not proceeding. it looks it works fine but after giving in, for example: Linkeidn username and paswword it send the user back to home to login.

Only at google + it logs in and directly it has no rights.

see screen shot.

File Attachment:

with error reporting got the next error:

Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /Domainremoved/httpdocs/components/com_community/helpers/access.php on line 46

Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'CAccess' does not have a method 'authorise' in /Domainremoved/httpdocs/components/com_community/helpers/access.php on line 74

and than a few times in a row.

linie 46 starts here
$assetName{0} = strtolower($assetName{0});

// Append asset with action.
$assetName .= $actionName;

// Argument pass to the function.
$arg = array($assetName, $userId);
// Add asset id to arguement.
if ($assetId >= 0) {
array_push($arg, $assetId);
// Add asset object to arguement.
if ($assetObject != null) {
array_push($arg, $assetObject);

// Include particular access class
$path = JPATH_ROOT.'/components/com_community/helpers/access/'. $class .'.php';

if( JFile::exists( $path ) )
include_once( $path );

$className = 'C' . ucfirst($class) . 'Access';

// Call library access class, $obj::authorise
if( class_exists($className) ) {
return call_user_func_array(array($className, 'authorise'), $arg);
} else {
return null; --> line 76 <----

Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by jwvr.
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Support Specialist
Those warning messages are all from JomSocial, not from JFBConnect. We can't fix those warnings and you'd need to contact the JomSocial developers to resolve those.

As for being automatically logged out, can you tell me what version of JomSocial you are using? There is a known conflict between JomSocial versions under and Joomla 3.3.x which cause the user to automatically be logged out.

If you're on an earlier version of JomSocial, you'll need to upgrade.

I hope that helps, but if not, let us know your Joomla, JFBConnect and JomSocial version numbers and we'll help how we can.

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