Topic-icon Facebook Meta Tags not being honoured, while using {JFBCComments}

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Hi Alex,

I've successfully configured {JFBCComments} easytag and the comment form is working fine and also the comments are being posted onto the facebook page.

But the issue is that the page OG:Title & OG:Description is not being honoured. The OG title is taking menu name and OG decription is taking home page site decription.

Am i missing on some property to be defined? my JFBC comment tag is
{JFBCComments width=100% num_posts=10 colorscheme=light mobile=false order_by=time}

I've created a new staging site, is you wish to have a look. Will PM you the link.

warm regards
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Support Specialist

That sounds like the Open Graph tags that JFBConnect is attempting to auto-generate when none others are specified. The following are the ways that you can define the og tags on your page:

1. Using our Open Graph plugins - the plugin will set the appropriate tags for the given component
2. SCOpenGraph easy-tags - you can manually insert tags into any content the tags, such as {SCOpenGraph description=Test description}
3. Defaults - in case a tag can't be determined, JFBConnect will fall back to these values
4. Auto-generated tags (when the above are not present)

For more information, see

This should get you started, but let us know if you have any other questions.

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Support Specialist
The problem is that the comment box is being placed on a registered user page. Since Facebook has no method of logging into your page to scrape the contents, there's no way for them to see the Open Graph tags. Instead, the scraping tool loads the page and is redirected to the login page. The login page, in turn, has the default Open Graph data for the home page of your site.

There's not much we can do about this, unfortunately, as it's how Facebook works. They periodically scan your pages and only see what guest users see. Once a page is behind a login wall, the content can (theoretically) be completely different for each user. For that reason, Facebook doesn't want it because they can't really 'trust' what they see vs what some other user may see.

I hope that makes sense,
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9 years 6 days ago - 9 years 6 days ago #53065 by Sunnyside
Hi Alex/Mel,

Thank you for your reply. Alex is right on checking i found that even the Facebook share button is not picking the page metas, instead picking the home page meta.

So the bottom line is Facebook only respects open pages not closed member pages. I'll check with other commenting systems as well.

Hope there is a work around but i don't see light at the end of the tunnel!

(Second thoughts: do i have to submit for permission to Facebook for JFBCcomments? as i have'nt done so )

Also wanted to ask, how do implement the easy tag for OG image {SCOpenGraph image=xyz}, can i put in my template index.php file?

Last edit: 9 years 6 days ago by Sunnyside.
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Support Specialist
Glad we could help find and explain the Open Graph tags issue. It's confusing (and annoying), but it makes sense when you think about it.

(Second thoughts: do i have to submit for permission to Facebook for JFBCcomments? as i have'nt done so )

Nope. Any Facebook user can comment on your site, whether they are logged into your site or not. The only requirement is that they're logged into Facebook.

Also wanted to ask, how do implement the easy tag for OG image {SCOpenGraph image=xyz}, can i put in my template index.php file?

Generally, you shouldn't. If you just want a 'default' image that's used as a backup for every page, in case a more specific image isn't set for that page, like a logo, you should use the Open Graph defaults configuration area of JFBConnect. Go to Open Graph -> Configuration. In the "Defaults" box, add a line like:
That og:image tag will be inserted last on every page. That way, if a different image is specifically set for that page, it will be used by Facebook first. That way, you always have a generic image (your logo) set, just in case a better one isn't explicitly or automatically set by JFBConnect.

I hope that helps,
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